(no subject)

Nov 14, 2011 16:52

[[ Follows this. ]]

They stood together like that for a long time. At one point, Clarke was fairly certain Jen had actually fallen asleep in his arms. That was fine with him, he would have been happy to hold her all night if she wanted. He was glad she could let herself rest like that. It had to be better than coffee and stubbornness, which he was sure was mostly keeping her going at this point. He was happy to let her be fragile against him. Hopefully she felt safe.

The reality that they were at work, in her office, came back abruptly when Cynthia buzzed that a liaison from the FBI was on the phone. That was the kind of phone call Jen had to take, so they reluctantly untangled from each other. Clarke smiled a little at the way her hair was sticking out in all directors. He smoothed it a little and then gave her a soft kiss on the mouth.

When he slipped out of her office a few minutes later things seemed clear at first. That moment passed almost immediately, leaving him feeling disoriented more than anything else. This week was like whiplash. Just the day before he saw Sam for the first time in forever. He was glad to have a friend back but it was still taking some adjusting. Everything with Jen and Gibbs and Heather seemed to be circular and yet progressing all at once. He wasn't angry about Gibbs and Jen sleeping together, he really wasn't. After what had just happened, he was more sure than ever that he and Jen deserved each other, at least in some capacity, if he only he could convince her it was worth it even if he'd feel heartache eventually. He was going to feel heartache no matter what.

He felt like at this point the most honest thing to do, other than telling Jen outright and risking her shutting him down immediately, was to talk to the man who perhaps knew Jen best. Jen trusted Gibbs more than almost anyone, Clarke knew that, and if someone would convince her of something it would be Gibbs.

He tried to devise a plan of action as he headed back down to the lab. He wouldn't just come out and ask Gibbs to talk to her, would he? He wouldn't ask Gibbs what to do. He would just have to be honest and see if anything came from it.

At first he wasn't sure Gibbs was even still there, it was getting be late in the day and not many people were around anymore. On his way back upstairs, he ran into him in front of the elevator. "Agent Gibbs, do you have a minute?"

gibbs, letetard, jennifer shepard, verse: dc, rp

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