Aug 27, 2016 23:52
So crazy friend has a long long history of never taking my advice. Classic was when she called with a large settlement ammount and asked what she should do with it. I told her to put it in the bank. She said "I'm thinking about buying a house". In other words, I didnt really want your advice, I just wanted an excust to call you to brag about what I'm going to do. Now she's looking at some serious legal shit that could land her in jail, but she also has some inheritence money in her starry eyes, and she's looking at property, off the grid, in Maine. And it seems that this off the grid property, a bargain I'm sure, has some kind of ant infestation. Oh to be sure hijinks and mayhem will follow. You heard it here first. What say, she buys the property, and the financing falls out from under her when the feds attach her inherritence? That sounds like a good start. She cant use said property from jail? Maybe it too burns to the ground in a raging forest fire. Oh, wait, maybe the water runs dry, or is polluted? I'm sure something will come up because 'these are the day's of her lives".