Sep 20, 2016 23:34
So today's project was to prop up some headstones that were leaning precariously. The foundations have for years been tipping, and the stones tipping with them. They sometimes slide into the grave as it caves in over time, one slid in rather quicly when a void opened up.. but that was filled for the time being. Some had been propped before, so we added more stones and put in some concrete to take up the slack and hold in the stones. Should hold it for a few more years.
While we were at it we decided to pull up a sunken foot marker. Now, experience has taught me that they often cemented these 10x8 inch foot markers with a good supply of cement, making it really hard to lift and straiten them. Well, we hit the motherload today. Not only was it put in cement, there are rocks and pices of marble headstone attached to it. We are trying to salvage the headstone bits, one piece has lettering. This is the second foundation we've dug up with considerable bits of old headstone. The first one we were able to recover an entire slate headstone for 2 children, and put that back together and put on the lot where it belonged. Back in the day (1933 to be exact onthis one) they would take any old bits and chuck them in. I guess they probably figured it was a good use of material and kept the stones in the cemetery.. they sure wouldnt be bothered to cement them together , or they didn't care, or they just didnt have the materials. So if we can figure out who's stone this is, we'll try to get it back to the lot at least, maybe even reconstruct it with cement. We were able to do that with one stone that was only a piece with the name on it. Now it's a kind of ugly, but serviceable headstone.