Sep 23, 2011 22:36
Just finished making the pepper jelly tonight. I hope all the little bottles jell right. I think the big jars I did last look firmer, but the little ones seem a bit loose. It does say to let them rest for a week or so before using to let the flavor develop, but this batch didn't jell up like the grape jelly did. Not sure what's up. It does taste decent though. Time will tell.
I called work just for the heck at 8 ish tonight. There was a message for a funeral for Monday. It was left on the machine at 7pm. And I got no call at home. Give me a fucking break! So I looked it up, called the guy to move the stone (which he said he could) and then called the funeral home. Got all the specifics and then told him the price of $1000.00 for the opening. He was a bit stunned. He was expecting the fee to be for a weekday. "But it's a Monday funeral". But I'm digging it on a Saturday. I'm not digging it Monday morning at six in the morning just so you don't have to pay the extra, and as it is, you didn't give me the requisite amount of extra time. Maybe next time you'll think about calling me first, before you set the time for the church and the funeral. But I doubt it. And just today I was saying how things with this guy seemed to be going better. HA!
But you know, they balk at the extra $200 for the opening, but they push the high end vault that probably brings in at least that much extra for them, if not more. It's all BS now.
Lets see if I can finish my 'story' tonight.