Aug 28, 2011 20:53
I took one of the 500mg Naproxen's today and it has helped the pain. Still, there are weird twinges I don't like. I can't wait til tomorrow when I have to use the chainsaw. Bending over with that can really be a killer. Thankfully my father bought a 14 inch Echo the year he got sick, apparently with the thought that I would be doing the hard work of cutting at some point. He was right. And I'm really glad to have it.
The bad news for Ryther is with the new company buyout, he can no longer have games and extras on his work computer. The good news is it's a perfect excuse for him to buy a new computer. I mean come on, Mommy can't have a new one if Daddy doesn't get one too. lol I guess I'm going to have to cut him some slack and let him use the bonus money he's brought home. Damn!
I've been listening to a show on NPR on Thursdays at 9pm called the Moth Radio Hour. Its' real people getting up and telling their stories. They can be funny, or serious but they are all supposedly real. Great stuff. I highly recommend it.
Last week we had a funeral and the coffin was very odd. Almost like the Jewish coffin we had that was so small it barely fit on the device. This one was a bit bigger, and looked more like a normal wooden coffin with the fancy polished smooth wood, but it was not square, rather hexagonal on the ends. Very sweet looking, but tiny. Looked like something you might get a 100 years ago. I asked about it and it's made right here in MA. That was one of the reasons they bought it. lol
I also ordered 1000 Glory of the Snow bulbs for this fall. I plan to put them in in and older section. Hopefully they will spread over time and fill the hill with blue. That would be spectacular. Maybe I'll live to see it. I'm at the age where I start to think of that. Will I live to see that tree look substantial? That kind of thing. I'm seeing trees I planted 20 years ago hit their
stride, so I know how long it takes to get there.
One of the FB posters who has all kinds of cemetery info on it posted something about a guy who was fired for making a music video of himself dancing on a grave box. The box was empty, and he had permission I guess from his boss, but it didn't go over well. I was just thinking of the photo I took of Biv in the grave box. She posted it on FB. It too was empty. One of those things where you 'try it out for size and view'. Everyone does it. Once a least. Oh well. I've found out recently that one of the vault co.'s used to write all kinds of silliness on the bottoms of the vaults. I never knew about that. Historians are going to have a field day with that if they ever exhume them. lol Kind of like a Kilroy was Here thing.
I saved a clipping about the SS statements that have been getting mailed to people the last few years near our birthdays. As I recall, it was a way to get people to realize how little they were going to get and that they needed to save more. Apparently it cost the government $70 million a year to send them out, so they want to do something electronically. If they can't make them secure though, they are going to go back to paper.
Time had an interesting article about how educated men and women are now producing more autistic kids, because they are more apt to meet each other due to the rise of women in science and math careers who might carry some characteristics of autism (which are often associated with science minded people), who then have children of like minded science men, thus combining the genetics with those attributes and having more kids with full blow autism rather than just some of the autistic or Asperger symptoms. It's an interesting thought.
And I just did the LJ spell check, and not one word I have misspelled has what I actually want to choose to change it to on their list. So yea, it still sucks.