Jan 17, 2011 20:48
Ryther got my scanner working again... for now. Sad thing is there is nothing constant about why it stops working, or more accurately stops talking to my computer. Very frustrating. I'm printing out the genealogy for my cousin, with copies of death and birth certificates and such.
Got the body put in the tomb today. I brought Ryther, who had the day off, along just in case they had no help. But as it turned out they had plenty of help, but they were early so I didnt' have time to set up the blocks I was going to to get make it easier to get the coffin on the rack. And it was heavy. Oh well. They did all the work at least. And now we have more rain/snow mess coming, with more freezing temps. We desperately need a good thaw. Just to get rid of this crap.
I was listening to the whole gun debate today on NPR which has been quiet since Obama's election, mostly because he chose to leave the subject alone, and perhaps because the Supreme Court finally voted to define the Second Amendment as meaning individual rights. But as usual, whenever some crazy person does something with a gun, the first thing they want to do is start banning things. And the second thing that does is trigger panic buying of whatever the thing is they want to ban.
They always say it's 'sensible legislation'. And it probably is sensible. In some ways. But the problem is that what is sensible for some instances might not be sensible for others. Licensing gun owners is 'sensible' if you ask me. Trouble is (and I know this because I live here) that even though you may be perfectly normal, with no history of violence or anything, if the person who issues those licenses has the power to deny them to you based on the fact that 'he' personally doesn't like the idea of people having guns, then you have to fight for your right to get one. That's blatantly unfair and unconstitutional, but you have to get a lawyer to prove it. So whenever I hear about 'sensible' legislation, I question it.
I have more to say on the subject, but my hands are getting cold and I want to go read a bit. More later when I can compost my thoughts better. (yes, that was intentional).