Apr 18, 2010 21:31
So apparently everyone loves rollos. You'll all have to come to work with me.
My wisteria has begun putting out leaves.. just leaves. Looks like another year without any flowers. Since I planted it in either 98 or 99, that means it's over ten years without flowers. I'm thinking its days are getting numbered.
On the other hand my Japanese something or other with the yellow flowers has finally begun to look like it's found a home. After several moves to try to save it (due to poor growth) it's finally taking off this year. It's still leggy, but it has lots of blooms and I hope to train it a bit this year and maybe by next year it will be really nice.
The azalea that I got for Mother's day last year isn't doing well at all. I don't think it's going to make it. I'm hoping to try a pink or purple hydrangea in it's place "Hint Hint, nudge nudge". I'm not quiet sure what's wrong with the soil on that side of the house, or if it's just the intense heat at times that seems to not do well for a number of plants I've tried there. Although some things thrive. My bee balm was very happy there last year, hopefully it will be back. Also the variegated plant (who's name escapes me at the moment) that Grafix gave me is pretty happy there. Already has purple flowers on it. But it is a dry spot, as it gets the sun and an overlap of the roof.
My potatoes are fine, even with the chilly weather. This rain we got this weekend should make all the grass I planted shoot up.
Tomorrow is the Boston Marathon. One of my neighbors is running in it. He does every year. Good for him.