Et two- stroke Brute'?

Jan 19, 2010 21:50

This is the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeend.
Of two stroke lawnmowers that is. I brought the Snapper lawnmower engine from the 19 inch mower at the cemetery to the parts place, and they told me they can no longer get that engine. That two stroke engines are basically, because of the whole EPA rules thing, gone with the wind. And to top it off, the maker of the engine, Tecumseh, is out of business. Of course, there are a ton of two stroke engines out there, from weed whips to chain saws to hedge trimmers. What is going to happen to them in the near future I don't know, but they may just choke them to death to comply with standards, and they will run so shitily that people will be buying electric. Of course, some of us cant use electric. Extension cords will only go so far.
So now I have to find working replacements for the push mowers. Either buy new mowers or find some used ones that still work well enough. I'll have to keep my eyes to the curb. The sad thing is these Snapper mowers were the best little mowers. Light and easy, started like champs, ran like champs. They just got old. I tried cleaning the carburetor out on one of them, hoping to get some umph out of it, but no go. I think they are just plain warn out. There are a few older ones in storage that I should dig out and just see which, if any, are salvageable. I was really hoping for a new engine.

The woman I gave the ride to called me tonight to tell me her husband had died. He had been sick for many years, but that doesn't make it easier I'm sure.

I saw something on the news about a planeload of orphans coming here from the US to be adopted. I don't know how long it will be before there is scandal with that. I'm still figuring the Red Cross will screw up again.

My NPR station had an interview with a guy who's written a book about food )
and I came in on the conversation where they were talking about this garbage that used to go into dog food, but now is mixed into ground beef that is served to humans, via McDonald's and other fast food restaurants, and also can be found in the school lunch program. The crap is made 'safe' to eat by injecting it with ammonia. Thank you FDA!
Safety of Beef Processing Method Is Questioned

And as if that wasn't enough, I read West's post about gaseous water.
Yeah, clean endless energy. Boom!

energy, poison, water, food, friends, death, polution, ecology, mowers, npr

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