The genealogy of Greek heroes is so bizarre

Oct 12, 2011 11:23

Remember how in Troy they made Achilles and Patroclus cousins and everyone was like "this is a lame cop-out to make them seem less gay"?

Well, they are actually cousins. Or rather, cousins once removed. Achilles' paternal grandfather's mother is Patroclus' father's mother. If that makes any sense. Basically there was this girl named Aegina that Zeus had sex with, the result of which was that she gave birth to a half-divine son named Aeacus (Achilles' grandfather), and also had an island named after her. Then she married a dude named Actor and had a totally human son named Menoetius (Patroclus' father). And then Patroclus' father and Achilles' father were totes bros because they were on the Argo together.

And then according to one version of the story, Patroclus' mother is also Peleus' daughter, making Achilles his uncle. But that' weird. 


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