Not horses - yay!
Last night I went with friend to this new agey group called Care from the Core. I went to one a few months ago not knowing what to expect and it ended up being a class about auras and body energy. The one-on-one exercises were suspiciously like spirit-fucking... No Wayne to be seen though. Whew! There was a lot of talk about angels (which are apparently really big with this group) and plugging of books written by people who "channeled" angels.
I do not believe in angels. Other than in the sense that what might be "lesser gods" to me are "angels" to someone else. What got me about this group is that while a few people claimed to hold some christian-like beliefs, most of them did not. I find it odd that a person could refuse to believe in the christian God and yet still believe that his entire Heavenly Host exist. If you had any doubts as to the à la carte nature of spirituality - wonder no more! People really do believe whatever the hell they feel like, and woe to the person who questions their reality!
The only reason that I went this time is the the topic was pendulums. I have a pendulum, but I haven't used it in years, other than to play with it and - the last time - scare my sister. I know full well how pendulums work, but I was interested to hear what the facilitator had to say.
The facilitator - some old guy from Colorado - wasted most of the time talking about how crazy-good he was at dousing and how he got into pendulums (which is a medium for dowsing, essentially) when a friend of his told him how he could spiritually cure people through the process (for more information be sure to come to the actual event classes for 40$, or better yet, become a liscenced Spiritual Healer/Health Coach for low price of 695$ - oh, and your 160$US liscencing fee for one year).
Continue with more talking about how we only use 10% of our brains, quantum physics, energy of the universe ad nauseum. The long and short of it - and I agree with this aspect - is that using the pendulum taps into your subconcious. Freeing your thoughts and not actively forcing the pendulum to move allows your subconscious to tell you what your conscious mind doesn't know or doesn't want to accept. The theory is that the pendulum is moved through micro-reactions of your muscles, which is why it can appear to move without your hand moving at all, and why they don't 'magically' move on their own. Supposedly it's really good for finding lost keys or getting the anwers to questions on a test (provided, I assume, that you heard or read the answer at least one time), so I definitely want to try it in that regard.
The things he had us do were laughable, although using a 0 to 10 indicator (that looks like a spedometer) was kinda fun. We started by just saying "show me this number, show me that number" and watching the pendulum indicate that number. I never said anything out loud, because it was weird and cultish to hear so many people chanting "show me this, show me this" over and over again. Not necessary anyway. It was kinda neat though that for 'yes' he had us do a vertical line, and for the sake of conformity I actively sent my pendulum off like that instead of the the circle that normally indicates 'yes' for me. Then we "programmed" 'no', then asked for 'yes' again. Mine went into an instant circle. Lol, memory refuses to be retrained so quickly, I guess!
So then we pulled out the spedometers and played with those. He was going to have us learn what year he were born into our last past lives. Some people couldn't get their pendulums to move, though, so he said that maybe their Spirit Guides™, who were supposed to be helping them, might be hindering them or not paying attention.
I'll interject here with a bit of spirituality on my part. I do believe that everyone has a guardian spirit, who could be watching over us for many reasons. But I do believe in that. I've always referred to mine as simply Guardian, and he is manifested - for obvious reasons - as a black wolf. And the very moment this guy started talking about Spirit Guides™ a chill immediately went down my spine, I broke out in goosebumps and I got such a huge wave of animosity from Guardian that I actually giggled out loud. It happened several times as the guy was lecturing on this, like when he mentioned that most people have anywhere from 2 to 5 Spirit Guides™ at any given time - apparently I only have one who does NOT like to share. I was so thoroughly amused by his animosity that my friend noticed and was all "what is it?" I had three big 'waves' of his anger from Guardian, but they subsided when the guy started talking about other things - or maybe when it was when he destroyed all his credibility. Later on that.
So he announced that he was going to 'cleanse' the Spirit Guides™ by lifting them up to Pure Light™ or some such thing. First he demonstrated his mad skilz by determining how many Spirit Guides™ were in the room as 47, then asked us to ask our pendulums for how many Spirit Guides™ we had. Mine was such an instant '1' that again I laughed out loud. Was it me already telling myself that's what the answer would be? Who knows?
The best part was when a few people asked him to tell them how many they had because they weren't getting any reaction or understandable results (I don't understand who they find it so hard?). He told them how many he had, so a few people who already got their readings asked him. Four people asked him to verify, and he only got one of the correct. Attesting to the face that confidence will get you anywhere in life, when the first guy asked that the facilitator said '4', the guy said "well I got 3," to which our guru replied "well you actually have 4." He did that to the other three he got incorrect as well. I challenged him to read everyone's, since I had a running tally going - I wanted to see if it added up to his original (and decisive) count of 47. But alas, he dismissed that as taking too long and not necessary. Quickly now, moving on! Try to keep up!
This is what pisses me off about new age stuff. It's not tangible, it's not quantifiable, and basically, the people who make claims to "know" and be "talented" are full of shit. Of course he's not going to do anything that could prove that he just pulled 47 out of his ass! And if I did get a different count from it he would have just said that some of the Spirit Guides™ left when he did the Pure Light™ purification, or got bored, or some other load. That ultimately ended willingness to belief anything that came out ot this guy's mouth.
Moving on. The last thing that we did (with the help of our 47 Spirit Guides™) is learn when our last incarnation was. First we asked how many digits in the year (I got 3), then we asked for eack of those digits. Apparently, I haven't been around since 755 (although I never did get clarification as to whether it was BCE or CE...). I always did like to sleep in - what's a few millenia to a soul? My friend got 5 digits, and when she said that can't be right our guru assured us that she could have most definitely already been alive in the future.
So that was my second (and probably last) experience with Care from the Core. I do believe that there is some merit to pendulum use so long as you understand that 1) it's your own subconscious that you're trying to tap into and 2) that your conscious mind can influence the answer if you let it. In other words, the only person you'd be fooling is yourself, which totally defeats the purpose. This would also mean that you can't really do pendulum readings for others, since you can't be in tune with their subconscious, although I guess you can have their Spirit Guides™ confer with your Spirit Guides™ and give you the answer. IF you're that amazing.