Doctor Madness Monday

Jul 05, 2010 15:05

Otherwise known as the day the appoinment gets moved 4 times- so far. My OB's office is a madhouse at the best of times!  They called me Friday to ask if they could move my appointment from 4 to 3:30- I said, sure, make it as early as you like! They changed it to 1:15 for me. Looking at the clock, it's 3pm now, so I should be all done, right? HA!
I called this morning to check what time I should actually be there, and they said 'um, come in about 3:15.' I was expecting at least that, so no big deal. I called again at 2:15, before i hopped my bus, and had to try three times before they could answer, waited on hold for 5 minutes, and then when I explained why I was calling I got a 'oh god, no. I'm going to bring you in for 5:15. Call us back at 3:30 and check one more time, though, ok? It's crazy here today!' They shut their phones off at 4:00, which is why she's saying 3:30.

I know baby doctors do NOT have predictible schedules, and usually this appointment juggling doesn't bother me. Today, though, I have people stalking my every facebook post and texting me.... on top of the Monster-in-law calling YESTERDAY to find out 'what I expected' at this appointment.
Um, I expect to be told 'yes, you're still pregnant, see you next week'. She didn't seem so thrilled when John relayed that.

On the happy side of news today, my friend had her baby!! Yvaine Katherine Anne Hagblom was born at 6:45 this morning, weighing in at 8lbs 3ozs. Welcome to the world, little one! Mom and baby are, to my knowledge, doing great. That means out of the four people including me due around now, three have delivered. Gee, I wonder who the holdout is? :P

I also managed to get all the snail mail I need to send out done except for my thank-you cards from the Calgary baby shower. I still need to pick up the thank you present for my cousin for organizing the whole thing and dealing with my mom to do it- and going against her mom, who can be just as crazy.

Anyway, I'm going to attempt to find something in this apartment I haven't cleaned, dusted, washed, or reorganized and do that. Horray for nesting!

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