
Jul 03, 2010 13:48

Otherwise known as yes, I'm still here. There are some people on facebook that I would love to defriend, but last time I did that they noticed and got all pissy at me for weeks. Since I don't feel like dealing with the drama, I'll just snark about them here.
'Hate to break it to you, but first babies are usually late' is NOT a constructive comment. It's not even an original comment, or one that 1. she hasn't already said to me repeatedly, and 2. one that every single pregnant woman on the planet has heard in some way shape or form at some time.
Anyway, John's mom seems to think everything is hunky dory again and was attempting to tell me all about yet another baby outfit she bought. John thinks she's probably more excited about this kid then we are. I answered with a couple 'mm-hmms', a 'that sounds cute', and then 'John's driving at the moment, could he call you back? Great, bye!'

I think she might have been a little taken aback.  A teeny, petty little part of me is actually very glad sprog hasn't shown up yet because it means SHE has to wait too :P.

Anyway, I need to go eat something, because it occurs to me now a poptart and a few freezies probably don't have that much nutritional value.
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