May 19, 2004 11:05
What is wrong with me? People keep coming over to me and bugging me while I’m trying to work. I’ve already failed another quiz today, and I’m falling behind again. I was sitting in class last hour trying to study and no one around me would shut up…everyone turning around to talk to me, not leaving me alone, and I couldn’t hear in a class that I’m desperately trying to pass-I got pissed and walked out, came here, fuck them. Ross is taking off again for the weekend, and already I miss him terribly. I want to play guitar with the old crew - Ceege, and Pickle on drums and maybe Lumpy on bass, with everyone there, Jamie, Andelle, Jesse, Ross, Jez, Charlie, everyone watching, laughing, having a good time, with cherry coke…and Jesse, lately has been even more heartless than usual, which I cant do anything about, cuz it’s him, but damn, why does he have to be so mean? Jesse, do me a favor, cuz I know I cant change you, but if you’re not going to say anything nice to me, please just don’t bother to comment cuz you make me feel worse, k? I love you a lot, buddy, so I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong to make you be so damn cold to me. I consider you a friend, buddy, what's wrong? I love you everyone, and everything will get better, I promise. Until then, we all have to just be, just to ride things out as they come. This too shall pass.