May 05, 2010 14:58
hate college
I have been saying for the past couple years, college will find a way to suck the joy out of everything! normally i love writing, now if i have to write a essay on something rather boring, say the electoral college i don't love it as much, but i have come to realize i still find joy in expressing myself the way i do. and I HATE how every criticism i get does not like the way i express myself. i guess it is college and i should make my writing clearer but as i say, where is the fun in that?!
for example here is one sentence i wrote : " However, as time has passed, the system in use for so long is now under investigation from the people whom it serves."
here is the critique : "Your choice of word(s) is confusing. The Electoral College is not being investigated. Whether or not to continue to use it is under consideration. "
i wanna curse .... dumb butts! grrrr i know it is not literally under investigation. what i mean is there are a great many people unhappy with it and they are investigating it. i wasn't sure i liked it, and i chose to write this paper and I investigated it. I went through a lot of info on it to get the bigger picture and i did and i think it helped me. and until i did this extra critique, that i didn't even need to do, i was satisfied with my paper. i thought the work i had done was good and i would receive a decent grade. but noooo *stupid stuck up know it all professor voice* "it isn't literally under investigation, you are confusing"
almost feel better. need to finish "fixing" my paper, as it is due in 4 hours.
BTW happy Cinco de Mayo