totally annoyed with government teacher

Apr 21, 2010 22:06

its been like this all semester but until recently i haven't been able to put it into words.

so lets say we have 3 exams (not including the final) to take in this semester of government. the first exam nearly everyone does pretty horrible, so much that teach gives a grading curve. and then says that anyone who didn't make an unscaled A on that exam (who made an A?  omgwtfbbq?!) we would have to write summaries and marginal notes and turn them into her after reading each chapter. and then she will quiz us on the chapters. i was annoyed because after i turned in the first bunch she expected us to do more and i didn't know if what i gave her was good enough, or what she wanted so i was hoping she would look them over quickly and return them to us, but she didn't so the week after the next week i turn in the other set of notes. the following week i get both back and they have the same note on them "improve essay" i hate when people do that, if i had known before i did the 2nd attempt that my idea of summaries  (of a boring book) was lacking i would have tried harder the 2nd time. oh well. i do well on the quiz's and the ultimate goal is achieved i made a 90 on the 2nd exam without a curve. still the following weeks i hear practically nothing from the teacher, except she reminds us all to continue to turn in our notes, because we don't want a bunch of zeros. i figure it was probably what helped me on the 2nd exam, i can use them for the 3rd. so i knock out about 5 chapters, (over a week or 2) and turn them into her tonight. and she says "you didn't need to because you did better on the last test" i wanted to say "you NEVER told ME that" but i just say "oh well" and continue walking out of the class room, hoping she will grade them and get them back to me before test 3, i think there is 1 class left before the day we have test 3. so lets hope, especially as she is working on grading the rough draft papers, today was the extended due date, and i turned mine in 2 weeks ago, and still haven't got it back! *sigh* jsut about 3 more classes and i am done for another semester.


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