You're the Reason, pt. 2: Evening Preparations

Apr 04, 2010 00:37

AN: Well, even though my last post very definitely made it sound like Katherine and Robin were headed back to Fairview, I decided that, if I was going to continue this, I was going to have to slow down my storytelling a bit.  That said, the girls are still in Paris, though I don't know exactly how long they'll stay there.  Guess we'll find out! :P

Robin sat on the thoroughly mussed hotel bed, playing with the corner of the pillow she held in her lap as she watched Katherine attempting to put her hair up for the third time.  Robin straightened the chain of her necklace then somewhat impatiently checked the gold watch she had bought herself the day before.  Katherine had tried to intervene and buy it for her, but Robin was having none of it.  Even though she knew it would take an entire paycheck to pay for this purchase, she also knew she and Katherine were setting a dangerous precedent where money was concerned.  Of course it’d been nice to have the help when she’d been out of work, and of course it’d been wonderful of Katherine to pay for this trip to Paris, and of course Robin didn’t entirely object to the idea of being a somewhat kept woman, but she also knew the dangers of being one and being an ex-stripper.  Though they had yet to broach the subject, Robin knew household finances were going to be a struggle when it came to her chipping in, but she fully intended to do her part.
                Robin was brought back to her impatient waiting by Katherine’s loud, frustrated sigh from in front of the mirror where she still struggled with her hair.  In spite of herself, she smiled at her frustrated lover as strands of her thick, red hair continued to escape the failing updo.  Robin got up off the bed and padded over to the mirror, smiling at Katherine in her reflection.  Katherine shrugged helplessly.

“I’m sorry, it just won’t cooperate.”

“So wear it down.”

“But you said you thought I should try it up.”

“I only said that because when you wear your hair up it makes it easier to get to your neck.”  As she said this, Robin brushed a few offending loose strands out of the way and wetly kissed Katherine on the neck, pausing slightly to let her tongue play on the white skin.  Katherine’s eyes closed as a quiet groan found its way out from between her pink lips, and her head dropped sideways to allow Robin easier access which she quickly took advantage of.  As Robin continued to render Katherine senseless by lavishing attention on her exposed neck, she deftly tucked the last few strands of hair up securely, completing the task Katherine had so struggled with.  With a quick kiss to Katherine’s ear, she stepped back to admire her handiwork.  “There you go.  All set.”  Katherine slowly opened her glassy eyes, needing a moment to register exactly what had happened.

“How on Earth did you do that?”  Katherine exclaimed incredulously.  “I’ve been working on this for an hour!”  Robin shrugged.

“When you’ve danced as long as I did, you learn how to secure everything that moves, including hair,” she said with a giggle.

“You’re incredible.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.  Now can we please go to dinner?  I’m starving.”  Robin turned and bent over to put on her shoes.  Katherine ran her eyes over Robin’s form in the reflection, a lopsided grin on her face as she absent-mindedly adjusted her dress unnecessarily.  “See something you like?”  Robin asked as she finished buckling the ankle strap on her shoe.

“Seriously, how do you do that?”  Katherine asked in wonder.

“Again, when you’ve stripped as long as I did, you get really good at feeling eyes and figuring out who they belong to so you can target the customer.”  Katherine frowned and looked down at the vanity top, breaking her eye contact with Robin.  “Honey?”  Katherine looked up at Robin again, the concern in her voice apparent.  “Does it bother you that I stripped?”  Katherine turned in her chair and got up and walked over to Robin, sliding her hands around her waist until she clasped them behind Robin’s back.  She smiled at the blonde and kissed her quickly on the nose, making Robin smile.

“No,” Katherine said slowly.  “Do I wish fewer men had touched you?  Yes.  Do I wish you had been spared all the leering comments and spilled drinks and inappropriate touches?  Certainly.  But do I, strictly speaking, ‘mind’ that you stripped?  No.”  Robin placed her hands on either side of Katherine’s face and kissed her chastely.

“You’re an amazing woman.  You know that?”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” Katherine chuckled.  “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Do you mind that I’ve been married?  Had other lovers?”

“Honestly?”  Katherine nodded.  “Funny as it might sound, a little.  I guess I don’t like the idea of someone getting to love you before I did.  Of them getting to touch you and known your body and what makes you shudder before I did.”  A shiver ran up Katherine’s spine, and she pulled Robin closer, against her, until Robin’s mouth was next to her ear.  She splayed her hands on Robin’s back, grateful, yet again, for the blonde’s penchant for backless dresses.  Robin smiled to herself at Katherine’s reaction.  “Like you, I suppose I don’t mind, exactly, I just wish I were the only one that knew what gets you going.”  With that Robin pulled back and kissed Katherine, who quickly deepened the kiss, eager to wipe away thoughts of anyone who might have come before the pair.  As Katherine’s hands moved dangerously low on Robin’s back, Robin moved her hand from its place on the back of Katherine’s neck, trailing her fingers along the open V in the front of Katherine’s dress, pausing and running her fingers along the slight swell of breast that showed there.  Katherine pushed against Robin’s hand, well past coherence.  Robin broke their kiss, breathlessly taking a half step backward, though Katherine tried to move with her.

“What?  What is it?”  Katherine asked.

“We better stop if we have any intention of making our dinner reservation.”

“Screw it,” Katherine said, moving towards Robin.  A hand on her stomach stopped her.

“Later,” Robin promised.  “We’ve missed far too many dinners already, and, what with us leaving next weekend, I just think we ought to make the most of our time left here.”

“Well, that’s what I’m trying to do,” Katherine grinned, once again trying to move back towards Robin.

“I’ve created a monster,” Robin laughed, continuing to hold Katherine back.  “Later.  Later I am completely yours.”

“Just later?”  Katherine quirked her eyebrow in question.  Robin rolled her eyes.

“Later and always, of course.”

“Ok, good.  Just checking,” Katherine replied, winking at her giggling lover.  Robin’s giggles died away, and she smiled at Katherine tenderly.

“Do you have any idea how much I love you?”  Katherine returned the smile, and Robin finally allowed her to get close as Katherine wrapped her arms around Robin in a loving, snug embrace.

“Well, if it’s even half as much as I love you, I’m willing to bet it’s an awful lot.”

“Ok,” Robin sighed, laying her head down on Katherine’s shoulder.  “Just checking.”


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