You're the Reason, pt. 1: An Aimless Afternoon

Mar 30, 2010 16:07

Title: An Aimless Afternoon
Author: celluloidtears
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairing: Katherine/Robin
Spoilers: Comes sometime after Season 6 Episode 18 "My Two Young Men," so it's helpful if you've seen that
Rating: PG13, I guess?
Disclaimer: They're not mine!  But, oh, how I wish they were...

AN - This is my first crack at writing this pair, though I have written in other fandoms.  Now sure how far off base my Robin and Katherine are, but, hey, at least I tried, right?

Katherine slowly, languidly stretched the length of her body, starting with her fingers, working the stretch down to her shoulders, her torso, into her legs, and, finally, all the way down to her toes.  Her task done, she looked around the small Paris hotel room she and Robin had shared the last couple weeks.  Here and there were strewn bits of evidence of their trip: a shopping bag from their day on the Champs-Élysées, Robin’s favorite day, Katherine was willing to bet, if her excitement and energy as she touched nearly every beautiful thing in each shop was any indication; a scarf Robin had picked out for Katherine, claiming the green matched some of the varied flecks of color in Katherine’s eyes; the Eiffel Tower pendant Katherine had bought Robin the day they went up to the top of the structure, arriving just as the sun set over the City of Light.
            Katherine remembered this last day particularly fondly, a small smile quirking the corner of her full lips.  It had happened their second week in Paris after a day mostly spent wandering through the winding, cramped city streets aimlessly.  As they had stood leaning on the railing, their fingers intertwined, Katherine had marveled at how the sun seemed to make Robin glow, reflecting off Robin’s blonde hair and the gold lame jacket that Katherine would have found tacky on anyone else.  In that moment, though, Katherine couldn’t help but think Robin looked very much like what she imagined an angel would, a peaceful, almost childlike contentment radiating from her.  Katherine couldn’t help but think that this was how she imagined happy endings felt.
            Robin had sighed and turned to Katherine, titling her head in question of Katherine’s trembling smile and slightly teary eyes.  Katherine had dismissed Robin’s concern with a small shake of her head, using her free hand to pull the blonde to her as she kissed her, trying her best while she did to convey that all the confusion, uncertainty, and hesitancy had been worth it, that Robin had been worth it.  Despite her best efforts, a single tear escape down Katherine’s cheek, her joy too much to be contained.  As they pulled apart, reluctantly, Robin caught sight of the tear, gently wiping it away before running her hand tenderly through Katherine’s hair.
            “Honey, what is it?  Are you ok?”  Concern crept into Robin’s voice, and Katherine’s stomach flipped with regret, knowing that part of Robin must have been waiting for the bottom to fall out.  Katherine briefly kissed Robin again, pulling her into a loving embrace.
            “I’m wonderful.  Everything’s wonderful, really, truly, for the first time.  I still don’t know what I am, I may never know, but I don’t care because I know that I love you, and that’s enough.” 
Katherine had felt the moment Robin’s tears began because she had melted into Katherine until Katherine was unsure where Robin ended and she began.  Her neck became damp from Robin’s tears, and from the dampness she judged Robin wasn’t so much weeping as gently crying.  Robin pulled back, briefly resting her forehead against Katherine’s and looking deeply into her eyes before kissing her passionately, deeply, with abandon.  Just when Katherine had felt her mind shutting down and handing her over to whatever Robin had in mind, Robin broke the kiss, causing a whimper to escape from the back of Katherine’s throat.  Robin grinned broadly.
“I love you, too.  Since that day when I dropped off your mail.  You had been so nice to me at the party, but I didn’t know how much of that was an act, a social grace.  That day at your house, though, there was still no judgment, only welcoming,” Robin placed her hand against Katherine’s cheek, and Katherine couldn’t help but lean into her lover’s gentle touch.  “You looked so lost, so unsure.  I just wanted to take you in my arms right then and tell you it would be ok.”
“I don’t think I would have believed you then.”
“Do you believe me now?”
“Yes, of course.  Always.”
That night they had gone straight back to their hotel room, forgetting entirely about dinner.  Though they had made love nearly every night since their arrival - save a night or two when they were just too exhausted - that night it had been different.  Each caress had been accompanied by a whispered endearment, each stroke had held the promise of ‘always.’  In the wee hours of the morning when they lay spent, tangled in each others’ arms, exchanging small, almost chaste kisses, the conversation had turned to the future, of where they would live, how, whether or not they would go back to Fairview.  Though nothing had been decided before Katherine drifted off to sleep, her head on Robin’s shoulder, just having the conversation solidified something for both of them: they very definitely belonged to each other.
Katherine’s thoughts returned to the present, though the smile that lingered certainly belonged to that day.  Her eyes drifted over to her still slumbering lover, half tempted to rouse her.  Instead, she opted for slowly, gently tracing the line of Robin’s collar bone, trailing a finger down the valley between her breasts.  Katherine was, once again, struck by just how much she loved Robin’s breasts, such a singularly female characteristic.  She didn’t mind their fake, overly perfect roundness, she wasn’t off-put by their fullness.  She worshipped them, every chance she got.
There hadn’t really been all that much that surprised Katherine about sex with a woman.  She’d expected the softness, the slightly sweet smell of Robin’s skin.  She almost braced herself for the moment Robin first unveiled her breasts, sure that it would break the moment, and she wouldn’t be able to go through with it.  However, when the moment came, Katherine, instead, found herself fascinated, entranced as the skin puckered under her gentle touch, by Robin’s sharp inhales and futile efforts to control and calm her breathing.  Katherine delighted in her newfound power, even more amused at how much more quickly she could make Robin lose control when she used her mouth instead of her hands.  And while she enjoyed herself endlessly, she knew, too, she enjoyed it because it was Robin.  Robin’s breasts, Robin’s pleasure.  She knew it was all because of Robin.
Lost in thought, Katherine didn’t notice the moment Robin woke up and certainly didn’t notice the sly smile on her face as she watched Katherine absent-mindedly tracing patterns on her skin.
“Mm, I wonder what you’re thinking about.”  Katherine started, then grinned sheepishly at Robin.  “Or do I?”
“I trust you know exactly what I was thinking about.”  Katherine leaned over and kissed Robin slowly, warmly.  “Good morning.”
“Good morning to you, too.”  Robin stretched, and Katherine’s eyes dragged over her body lasciviously.  “Hey.  ‘Nough of that now,” Robin laughed, swatting Katherine lightly on the arm.  “There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”  Katherine groaned in protest but got out of bed anyway, knowing full well Robin’s eyes followed her across the room.  Though she still didn’t quite understand how someone as young, beautiful, and absurdly sexy as Robin could be enthralled by what she considered to be her less than perfect, slightly aging frame, Katherine had decided long ago to not question Robin’s attraction and to revel in it instead.  And revel she did.  She glanced over her shoulder and winked, eliciting a deep chuckle from Robin.  “I know, I know.  That was my fault.”
Katherine chuckled as she put on her robe and brought Robin hers.  Robin put on her robe on and walked over to where Katherine now stood brushing her hair in the vanity mirror.  Robin wrapped her arms around Katherine’s waist, looking at their reflection over her shoulder.
“We are one attractive pair,” Robin sighed happily.  Katherine smiled at her in the mirror, then turned in Robin’s arms to kiss her.
“Have you thought any more about what I mentioned last night?”
“What, about going home?”
“Well, not home.”  Robin looked at Katherine questioningly.  “You’re home.  It’s merely… going back to our house.  A building, that’s all.”
“Honey… Do you realize you just said ‘our’ house?”  Katherine grinned.
“Huh.  Guess I did.”
“Maybe you’re more ready to go back than I thought you were.”
“The thing is, I love you, you love me.  That’s all that matters.  Whose business is it but ours?  And, frankly, anyone who would begrudge another person love is a fool and an idiot.”
“Amen, sister.”
“So, what do you think?”  Robin looked deeply into Katherine’s eyes, searching for any sign of hesitance, uncertainty, anything to indicate she was not 100% positive about what she’d said.  Finding nothing but love and adoration there, Robin conceded.
“Alright.  Let’s go home.”


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