Mar 25, 2007 23:10
The first weekend of spring break is over. And I haven't touched my cello. My fingers feel rather stiff today, but on the other hand it's been nice to be a normal person for a change. ;) One who doesn't have to practice four hours every day and go to dozens of rehearsals on top of that. It gives me time for other things. Like reading and knitting: two things I love to do yet have had no time for.
My resolution for this break is to read a lot of children's fiction. I mean chapter books for more advanced elementary school readers, not like Hop on Pop. Though that is a great book. So yesterday I read The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks. I don't know why I didn't read it when I was growing up, but it's wonderful! My next book arrived in the mail from my mother and I was going to start it today, but got caught up in another project. But tomorrow I will begin Over Sea, Under Stone which I have been told is another good book. Apparently the whole set of them (there are five in this 'sequence' by Susan Cooper) is fantastic. I remember a good friend of mine from elementary school reading it with her family, which is why I have the first book; I think it was a birthday present. I'm looking forward to reading them all. You know, I have episodes like this and I think, perhaps I should be a children's librarian after all. Well, I will always need a day job...
The project I got involved in today, however, is my knee sock project. I found the pattern in my mother's Rowan book from the fall. The pattern is titled "Anna Socks" and I felt I just had to make them. Well, I started them last fall. (In fact, I probably wrote about them here way back when.) Then I had to make the first one over again because, of course, it was entirely too big. Which meant by the time it came around for me to knit the second one, I was tired of it. And then I got wrapped up in knitting that baby blanket and it got pushed aside for a while, with periodically returning to it as a break from the blanket. Today, I FINISHED MY SOCKS!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. They fit, they're great, they're really warm and it's spring. But they're done!! I'm sure we'll have another cold day and I can wear them then.
On to another project! One I have the yarn for, as I do not have the money to buy the yarn for my next sweater project quite yet. Parrot socks? I think perhaps yes. Hooray for brightly colored yarn.
self help,