Remains (6/?)

Jun 11, 2011 14:01

Title: Remains (6/?)
Author: cellochick92 
Words: 2,000
Rating: R overall
Disclaimer: Not mine.  Woe.
Warning:  This fic deals with abuse of all kinds involving a minor.  If this is triggering for you, please don't read.  It's not especially graphic yet, but it may get there.
Summary:  Done for an anon prompt over at the rq_meme: Rachel finds out Quinn is being abused by her mom (Quinn's, not Shelby!)  No pregnancy.  Unbeta'd.
A/N:  Oh gosh.  So, so sorry for how much I've been slacking on this fic.  I will maybe have more stuff to post because I have the easiest (read: most boring) summer job ever...well, one of them at least =P  But seriously.  You probably don't even remember this fic it's been so long since I've updated or done anything with, for your convenience, feel free to take a look at the previous parts below ;-) 
Part One      Part Two      Part Three       Part Four     Part Five

So...Here is a song to listen to while reading.  I imagine this might exemplify the duality of the relationship Rachel and Quinn have right now.  also, I've gotten in the habit of posting songs with my fics, so...yeah.

image Click to view

Rachel looked around, scanning her surroundings as she walked down the street.  She hadn't seen any sign of Quinn so far, but she didn't want to miss some small clue on accident.  Grumbling under her breath as she almost tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, Rachel picked up her pace once she had her feet under her again.  She was convinced that Quinn wouldn't go home, and she was also fairly confident that the blonde would avoid any of her other friends' homes as well.  Still, she didn't want to risk the blonde having too much of a head start on her, just in case.

As she walked past the park, she glanced over at the empty swings and her steps slowed.  Quinn had gone to the park before, for whatever reason...maybe she had gone there again.


Her voice sounded lonely in the chilled air, and she shivered as she walked slowly towards the playground.  Quinn obviously wasn't on the swings, but Rachel had a nagging feeling that the blonde was somewhere nearby.  She glanced at the visible playground, searching for any clues as to where the other girl might be.  After a long minute, however, she began to grow frustrated when she didn't spot the blonde.

Skimming the area visually one last time, her gaze caught on something she hadn't noticed before.  There was a tunnel, tucked neatly underneath the slide and almost hidden from view.  It would be the perfect hiding place if Quinn needed to get out of the elements and out of sight, but Rachel still approached cautiously.  It never hurt to be too careful, and she didn't want to risk disturbing anyone else should the tunnel be occupied by someone other than Quinn.

Leaning down to peer into the tunnel, Rachel let out a sigh of relief when she saw the blonde, but her heart immediately constricted as the sounds of quiet sobbing reached her ears.  Trying not to startle the other girl, Rachel whispered, “Quinn?”

When the blonde made no move to acknowledge her, Rachel sighed and clambered into the tunnel.  It was cramped with both of them inside, and Rachel struggled for a few moments to find a position that wasn't entirely uncomfortable.  Once she was settled, she looked over at Quinn, who was studiously looking everywhere but the brunette.  Even in the bad light, Rachel could see the tear tracks staining her cheeks, and she struggled internally against her impulse to reach out and grab the blonde to her to comfort her.

Much as it pained her to acknowledge, there was a distinct possibility that physical contact and restraint was the last thing the blonde would find comforting, but she had to do something.  Slowly, she reached out a hand and carefully laced her fingers with Quinn's, squeezing gently.

Quinn's breath hitched at the simple gesture and she quickly glanced at Rachel to try to gauge the smaller girl's intent. Her eyes immediately fixated on the slight swelling around the diva's lip, and Quinn cringed as a fresh wave of tears started.  Turning so she was on her side, she reached out hesitantly, eyes flicking between Rachel's brown orbs and her lip to judge her reaction.

When Rachel didn't move to stop her, Quinn let her hand settle on the brunette's cheek, her thumb brushing gently against the bruised lip.  Looking back up to meet Rachel's gaze, Quinn was barely able to murmur, “I'm so sorry,” around the lump in her throat.  As the tears spilled over, she kept mumbling her apology, not knowing how she could ever make things okay again.

The sound of Quinn's voice, choked with tears, made Rachel's chest clench painfully.  Squeezing the hand still clasped tightly in her own, she tried to convey without words that it was going to be all right, that she forgave her and things were okay with them.

Eventually Quinn's tears slowed, and her apologies tapered into hoarse whispers.  Searching the blonde's face, Rachel saw the clear signs of exhaustion, and she sighed before shimmying out of the tunnel, making sure not to let go of Quinn's hand. When the other girl watched her fearfully, clearly waiting for her to pull away and leave her, Rachel shook her head.

“Come on, we're going to go get some sleep.”

When Quinn opened her mouth to protest, Rachel cut her off gently.

“If you still want to talk about it in the morning, we can do it then.  For now, I think the most important thing for both of us is to rest so that we can be in a solid state of mind if and when that conversation occurs.”

Quinn's eyes were still wary, flitting across Rachel's face as though searching for any sign of insincerity, but she let Rachel tug her out of the tunnel. As they started to walk, a strong gust of frigid wind blasted them, and Rachel saw the blonde visibly shiver.  Exhaling, she gently pulled Quinn into her side, wrapping an arm around the other girl in an attempt to ward off the chill.

Quinn looked up at her from underneath long lashes, and Rachel's breath caught in her throat at the emotion she could see swirling in hazel eyes.  There was such surprise, mixed with confusion and made the brunette's heart drop at the realization that Quinn was obviously not used to anyone taking an active interest in her well-being.  The blonde opened her mouth, but no words came out, and she simply shook her head before leaning into Rachel's side and accepting the warmth the other girl was offering.

The walk back was long and silent- Rachel couldn't think of anything to say, and she didn't want to inadvertently push Quinn away.  Quinn, on the other hand, felt like she was in a dream.  There was no other explanation for why Rachel would come find her after what she had done.  She kept stealing furtive glances at the smaller girl, but she was too scared of breaking the spell they both seemed to be under to try to say anything.

Instead, she settled for squeezing the brunette's hand, lacing their fingers together and not letting go for the entire walk back.  She hoped that the small gesture could convey at least a tiny bit of what she was feeling, and that Rachel would somehow understand that she couldn't talk because she didn't have the words.

When they finally reached the door that Quinn had become so acquainted with over the past week, Rachel paused as she opened it.  For a brief moment, Quinn was terrified that the diva had changed her mind and decided she didn't want a crazy girl in her house, but then she was being pulled inside the house as the door shut behind her.  She was instantly enveloped in warmth, and as her body thawed, a wave of exhaustion hit her hard.  As she felt her muscles start to give out, strong arms encircled her, keeping her upright.

Later, she would ponder the sheer feat of strength and will it must have been for Rachel to get her up the stairs and into the bedroom, but the little brunette somehow managed to get her into bed and under the covers.  Moments later, she was sliding into the bed next to Quinn, who hesitantly curled up next to her, just barely resting her head on Rachel's shoulder.  When the brunette didn't move away, she gradually allowed herself to relax.

Rachel smiled as she felt some of the tension drain from the blonde's body, and she exhaled slowly, letting her eyes close.


The question brought her back from the edge of sleep, and she murmured, “Yeah?”

There was a pause, and then- “I'm sorry for what happened.  And...thank you for letting me come back here anyways.  I know it can't have been an easy decision, and I just want you to know that it really means a lot to me.”

A moment of quiet followed the soft declaration, punctuated only by the hushed sounds of their breathing.  Not really knowing what to say, Rachel just tipped her head down to press a gentle kiss to the top of Quinn's head, feeling the quiet exhalation of air that followed the motion.  Relaxing back against the pillows, she let her eyes drift closed again.

Listening as Rachel's breathing evened out into sleep, Quinn blinked back more tears.  She didn't understand how Rachel could be so welcoming of her after what she had done.  She cringed as images of Rachel's face and the look on it as she touched her bleeding lip swam before her eyes.  Taking a deep breath, she worked to calm herself, not wanting to wake Rachel with her tears.

When she felt at least a bit more under control, she sighed and let her thoughts drift to what was going to happen next.  Fear spiked sharply in her as she realized that Rachel was going to want an explanation about what had happened.  She knew that, no matter how much she wanted to, there was no way she could tell the brunette what she wanted (needed?) to hear, and she felt like kicking herself for being stupid enough to let things get this far.

Still, the comfort that Rachel provided was something so foreign and wonderful that she was reluctant to give it up.  Breathing in deeply, she smiled as the scent of citrus and vanilla assaulted her senses, basking in the feeling of safety it granted her.  She didn't know how long she had been laying there, just breathing in the sweet smell of Rachel Berry, but she was suddenly jerked out of her dozing state when Rachel shifted, an arm coming up to wrap around Quinn's body and pull her closer.

Glancing over at the clock, Quinn winced when she saw the time.  4:12.  There was just enough time for her to do what needed to be done.  Gently sliding out from under Rachel's arm, she couldn't resist the urge to watch the sleeping girl for a moment, just reveling in how peaceful and happy she looked in her sleep.  Sighing as she forced herself to move away, Quinn silently grabbed the notebook off of Rachel's desk and a pen from her drawer, sitting down on the floor to scribble a note.

It only took a few minutes, and it was composed of a disproportionate number of “I'm sorrys,” but it would have to do.  She stood and set the folded piece of paper on the side of the bed where she had been laying before turning her attention back to Rachel.  She hoped desperately the the brunette would understand why she had to leave and wouldn't hate her for it.  Unable to help herself, she leaned down and brushed a tender kiss against the sleeping girl's forehead before stepping quietly out of the room.

As she walked down the stairs and out the front door of the Berry residence, Quinn wrapped her arms tightly around herself.  She wasn't ready to have any kind of conversation with Rachel about what had happened, but she still felt like a coward for running away in the dead of night.  The other girl had been nothing but kind to her, even after she had hit her, and she was repaying her by running away before she could get the answers she so clearly wanted.

She looked back at the dark house over her shoulder as she reached the corner, half-expecting to see Rachel watching her from the window.  Mercifully, the window was empty, and Quinn sent a silent prayer up to whoever might be listening that Rachel might be able to find a way to forgive her.

Part Seven

rachel/quinn, fic: remains, fanfic

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