[Games} UUUUGH.

Oct 10, 2012 21:44

So I guess I'm a sort of gamer now? Anyways, Mark (of Mark Reads and Mark Watches) has a new site, Mark Plays in which he plays games. So far only video games, though he says any type of game is fair game.

Right now he's playing Dragon Age: Origins, which made me want to play it (he also played Portal 2, and now I have the first Portal game), so I DLed it (IT TOOK TWO DAYS), and started playing tonight. It was my reward to myself for finishing my hp_darkfest fic on time.

WTF GAME WHY DID YOU HAVE TO THROW HUGE FREAKING SPIDERS AT ME AND THEY KILLED ME AND IT'S AWFUL AND I MIGHT HAVE NIGHTMARES NOW BECAUSE OH GODS I HATE SPIDERS. And also when you do manage to kill them--which isn't too hard when there's only one, but then there are two and I DIED--some of them you can get stuff from, and when you do the bodies dry up and shrivel and it's just GROSS.

And right at this moment I can't care if I ever play this game again.

(Honestly? Other than the GIANT FREAKING SPIDERS OH GODS, it's a little boring to me? Maybe it's just because I'm still in the tower. Playing a human mage, btw.)

This entry was originally posted at http://celestineangel.dreamwidth.org/427496.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

ew, games, oh gods why, dragon age: origins

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