[Games] Moar Dragon Age: Origins

Oct 14, 2012 10:29

(I'm using that as my gaming icon for now until I can either find 1) a DAO icon I like or 2) a general gamin icon. Help in either regard would be appreciated.)

I finally beat all the stupid spiders! Yay! And got my form signed! Yay! And helped Jowan find and destroy his phylactory (or however it's spelled)! Yay!

And then the dumbass had to go using blood magic in front of First Enchanter Irving and that Templar guy with the really easy name that's spelled really weird. I suspected Jowan really was a blood mage and was lying pretty early on, based simply on the fact that the game kept giving me the option to further interrogate him on the matter. And I, figuring that ignorance is bliss, had my character not do so on the basis of plausible deniability. I'm trying to keep her in place where she's curious but basically polite, which basically means she asks a ton of questions about everything as long as the game will let her but she doesn't sass anyone (except Alistair, because, well, he's Alistair). So she wanted to help Jowan, because he was her friend, and trusted him when he first said he wasn't a blood mage (despite the fact that he didn't sound very confident about his denial).

So, of course, Duncan stepped forward and recruited me for the Grey Wardens, whoo hoo!

So now I am at Ostagar, though actually I am currently out in the Korcari Kocari whatever Wilds with Alistair, Ser Jory, and Daveth. We are getting our asses kicked by those freaky archer things (I will eventually start calling things by their proper names but not yet). I must learn tactics.

I want to save the mabari! SO I MUST LIVE THROUGH THIS.

Also, I kind of adore Alistair. Daveth is kind of a jerk, but not one I can't stand. Ser Jory should probably just give up and run back to Ostagar like the whiny baby he is.

Also also, what's up with Duncan? Why is the game giving me the option to pretty much interrogate everyone about what they think about him? Just to give me/my character and idea of the kind of good, honorable man he is? Or is there something else going on? I've noticed he tends to recruit for the Grey Wardens from people who are already in some sort of trouble. With the exception of Ser Jory, so far. But Alistair was an unhappy Templar, Daveth a thief who'd been caught, and my character would probbaly have either been demoted down to apprentice or forced to undergo the Rite of Tranquility had Duncan not recruited me.

So... sinister? We all owe Duncan something, and he will ask for us to repay him sometime in the future?

Eh, right now I just want to make it back to Ostagar intact.

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games, dragon age: origins

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