Familiarity, Chapter 36 of Anywhere Out of This World

Sep 12, 2007 21:28

Great hairy legs of Hades, I finally finished this chapter. This one has been impeded by big-time RL, but with every word I commit to the page, I am certain that these story lines are finally winding together for a definite close. Therefore, thanks so much to y'all for your patience and continued support!

Here's the latest:
Familiarity, Chapter 36 of Anywhere Out of This World.
Pairing: Andrew/Dawn
Word Count: 3,100
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: For fun and fun alone. All hail the great and mighty Joss.
Summary: This one picks up where the last chapter left off - with Buffy still torn about needing a little help from Team Angel, and with Giles and Rachel Greenspan lost in the wilderness. There's a sweet little bit at the end with Andrew and Dawn that serves as a recap for the action (or lack thereof) at the Flat in London.

andrew, angel, giles, fanfic, dawn, buffy, spuffy

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