Appearances Deceiving, Chapter 35 of Anywhere Out of This World

Aug 16, 2007 01:50

I've always liked the idea of a roguish Giles, a man at home in any terrain, kind of like a British Indiana Jones. In the new chapter, that was what I was shooting for. I envision him part-Rupert, part-Ripper, capable of killing, combat, and survival in even the most trying of circumstances.

Here's the latest:
Appearances Deceiving, Chapter 35 of Anywhere Out of This World
Pairing: Well, none. But there is a large ensemble scene in the Hyperion Hotel
Word Count: 3,400
Rating: PG
Summary: In the alternate-LA, Fred explains her theory for why the barriers between dimensions have begun to break down. After Fred's presentation, Buffy succumbs to continued exhaustion. Back in South America, Rachel Greenspan deals with Ethan's death, and Giles' part in it. Also, Giles finds a photograph which leads him to believe that Rachel has a secret.

There's a lot of techno-babble in this chapter. Thanks to my Dad and brother for a life time of Star Trek, Battletech and Arthur C. Clarke.

I'd also like to take a moment to those who have supported our online stores: The Chambered Heart and Messages of Love. We are immensely grateful for your support. Katrina's postcards and my bumper stickers are unexpectedly big sellers. So thank you so much! You are wonderful.

giles, fanfic, spuffy, ethan rayne

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