Sweetness, Chapter 37 of Anywhere Out of This World

Sep 23, 2007 03:31

Last week at was more trying than most. My students were subjected to a week long battery of standardized testing. Naturally, by Friday, they felt quite restless and so things got a little rough. However, I did find some time to write. Upside to everything!

And so, here's the latest:
Sweetness, Chapter 37 of Anywhere Out of This World.
Pairing: Andrew/Dawn
Word Count: 2,173
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: For fun and fun alone. All hail the great and mighty Joss.
Summary: Xander and Maya both have misgivings about each other, but neither voice them. Dawn and Andrew take a morning off from research to spend some time together. With a Honey Bear.

Author's Note: I began half of this one months ago when I first started entertaining the notion of having Dawn and Andrew as a pairing. It started as a drabble, gained some strength and adjectives, then swelled into a full-fledged chapter. I worried at first that I should cut it because it does not advance the plot much, but it does show the growing bond between Dawn and Andrew, as well as a glimpse into the not-as-peachy relationship between Xander and Maya. My beta, Mattallicarock, reminded me that the joy of fanfic is that I don't have deadlines or editors hovering over me. Therefore, I can write sweet little vignettes as I desire. That's why I adore my beta.

Also, I realize I may have butchered the Italian that Andrew speaks to Dawn. My apologies if that's so, and if anyone out there can correct me, I'd be most appreciative!

buffy fanfic, andrew, dawn, honey bears, xander, spike

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