Star Wars Horoscope for Taurus
You are a dependable creature, but you do tend to be stubborn.
You like material possessions and love to win at games.
You hate being bossed around or losing.
You may succumb to your physical strength when upset.
Star wars character you are most like: Chewbacca
What is Your Star Wars Horoscope? It is 2:41 pm and my mother still refuses to return my call.
I am still car-less and in desperate desire of getting behind the wheel of my new car.
Other than that...I'm okay. I'm slightly stressed over the apartment situation. Now I know how Ex-Boyfriend felt when he had to pack up and move after doing just that a month before. Except...for me, it's 9 months later. But seeing as how un-packing is in my top-ten list of most hated things to do...well, you can feel my pain..or at least see the pained expression on my face...
I don't do well with sudden change. I like my evolution to be slow and progressive...not fast and (for lack of a better word) sudden. It scrambles me up and makes me feel all Parkinsons-y (yes, I know I'm-a gonna go to Hell when I die). I mean, I'm not complaining. It's really quite wonderful that in the span of week I got a new car and found the perfect (for now) place to live. Still...the idea of controlled chaos does beckon to me at times like these.
And in the midst of all this packing, breaking leases, moving, buying furniture...I also need to record demos of the songs for the EP that ex-boyfriend will be...producing? Is that the term? God..I really need to geek-up on my music vocabulary if I want to make it in this biz. I hate being so ignorant. Anyway..yeah. Gotta do that as well as get him lyrics and chord charts. Maybe I'll have time tonite to do so. That is if I get a car and can leave work on time.
I was at the office till 9:30pm last nite. I really don't care, but people are giving me the "she's insane" look today because of it. So what if I handed the cleaning guy my trash can? I was in his way. Plus, it was nice to finally know that magical gnomes don't clean our office. Gnomes are known for their irritability and lord knows the last thing I need is to be caught in the middle of a gnome tantrum.
Today's Highlight: I had the most amazing breakfast sandwich from Whole Foods: Croissant., 2 eggs, Soy Cheddar Cheese, and Ham.... and it only cost 68 cents! Hell yeah!!!!
My lack of car can Suck it!
p.s. One of my agents just came in with a book of old postcards for me. She remembered that I collected postcards and saved them for me. :)