About me meme

Sep 21, 2015 14:30

How this works:

You comment, I give you an age (please tell me how old you currently are - I don't know all of your ages, unfortunately, so I don't want to pick an age for you that is impossible) and you fill out the meme questions with what applied to you back then, and now.

wildrose gave me age 35.

At 35...

I lived in

The house we live in now. Just barely; we moved here just over 9 years ago. Which makes it actually the house I have lived in for the longest period of my life. The next-longest was 8 years, from age 6-14.

I drove:

A Nissan Altima which had been my mother's, which she sold to me for a good price when the car I had been driving (which had ALSO originally been hers) died on me while I was moving from one state to another. It was a blue-green color with the license plate LORIEN, after the Middle-earth forest in Lord of the Rings.

I was in a relationship with:

My husband. *g* We'd been married for 6 years at that point.

I feared:

The first day of school. I taught history at one of the state universities and was ALWAYS nervous on first days. A whole sea of strange faces, looking at me. *shivers*

I worked at:

The state uni, as above, in the history department.

NOW! (44 years old)

I live in:

The same house, which is almost 80 years old. Old for the U.S., especially this part of it!

I drive:

A 2009 grey Honda Fit. I have a vanity license plate on it that says PGWDGN, after Ron Weasley's small grey owl Pigwidgeon.

I'm in a relationship with:

My same husband. we have since added two rescue dogs to our family, and are trying to adopt a human baby.

I fear:

Never actually getting to adopt. It's a small fear, but there. My big fear is probably going blind. There is a not-insignificant chance of this, because I have a family history of both glaucoma and macular degeneration. I am so visually focused, and reliant upon reading, that if I were to go blind I honestly don't know if I could cope with living.

I work at:

A small private uni, where I am one of six librarians.

I want to be:

Myself. Sometimes I envy things in other people's lives, but on the whole I wouldn't want to BE anyone else.

memes personal

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