So... hi!

Sep 17, 2015 22:12

Having just participated in friending memes on both LJ and DW, I feel a certain obligation to post something, you know? (Not obligation in a negative sense. Just... like it would be appropriate, so as not to seem like I friended under false pretenses.)

It's being a busy autumn already. I've ended up being on THREE university committees this year, which is a lot, although it's still better than last year when I was on a task force which met for 2.5 hours weekly and involved about another 8 hours of work outside of meetings each week. But the committees mostly only meet monthly for an hour or two. Plus two state-level library groups/committees, each of which is putting on a workshop this year, as well as sessions for our annual conference. Mind you, I generally like the people I work with on all of these, and I think what the various groups do is worthwhile, it just eats up a lot of work-time with the result that I always feel like I'm falling behind. Oh, yes, and I am now on the alumni board of the library school I attended. First meeting of that is tomorrow and I have no idea what it will entail.

On a more fun note, my dad is coming to visit this weekend. He lives about 8 hours' drive away, and is driving over tomorrow, back on Sunday, so it's a short visit. (Which nevertheless means we did a lot of cleaning in the past couple of days... cleaning tending to be something that gets shortchanged around here. Eh.) We'll probably go to the art museum Saturday, and out to dinner Friday for sure, maybe Saturday too. Since both he and my SO are historians (albeit in different fields of history), and I used to be one, there's generally plenty to talk about both personally and work-wise. He's also the parent who lives geographically closest, so we probably see him more often than any of our other parents, although it tends to be for short visits on either side. I guess when traveling farther, one feels the need to stay longer to justify the trip!

When SO was vacuuming today he pointed out that Tain's delight in dancing for the light (I shine a flashlight on the ceiling, she stares up at it and twirls) is resulting in a lot of doggie drool on the floor, not to mention little claw scratches and general dirt. To preserve the wood floor (which was refinished last January) he wants to get a rug that can be put where she likes to dance. I'm fine with that, but we need to actually DO it, not just say it should happen. That's where these suggestions/plans sometimes fall apart. Tain is "the little dog," about 38 pounds, also the younger dog (3.5 years, about). Juno is "the big dog," being maybe 45 pounds, and will be 9 years old at the end of October. She's definitely a border collie mix; Tain we think might have one border collie grandparent based on her general configuration/attitude/intelligence, but she's just a black dog, really. The shelter called her a lab mix but there's no discernible lab ancestry that I can see.

Sunday this weekend is also community meal. That's the third Sunday of each month. It's a church-y thing, and we are NOT churchgoers, but our immediate neighbors are the leaders of a house church and invited us to this repeatedly until we decided to try it. Community meal Sunday is really just a social event, a potluck, which is held in the basement of a regular church that lets this house church group use the space. They're nice folks in the group and it's one of our few regular social events, so pretty much every month when we're here, we go. I'm going to make a slow-cooker tandoori pulled chicken dish which I've taken before and was liked. It's also easy! I need to post it on my recipe comm at LJ, cook_with_cel. I haven't put much up there in quite some time.

I'm wending my way through the Thomas and Charlotte Pitt mystery series by Anne Perry for the I-don't-know-how-many-th time. I'm on... maybe book 20? Something like that. I think eight more after this one, or so. That I own anyway. I don't buy till they're in paper. I want to finish the series before I go on to read the next book for my book club (which meets the first Sunday of each month, usually, but we're meeting the second Sunday in October as our hostess next month has something else going on the first weekend). Great Kitchens of the Midwest will be the book for that.

I'm also contemplating whether or not to participate in Yuletide this year. Thinking maybe. (It's a multi-rare-fandom holiday fic exchange, if you're not familiar with it.) I've done it several times in the past, but not in the last couple of years. Would be nice if I could manage it again.

Juno is looking at me expectantly. Probably time to take them both out one last time and then go to bed!

asl job, social life, family visits, book club, yuletide, cooking, dog

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