
Oct 21, 2012 20:47

Got back from our brief trip to St. Louis tonight. It was a very nice visit; we went to the zoo and saw puffins (SO's favorite), the art museum for a preview tour (with the curator!) of an exhibition on Federico Barocci (a late Renaissance/early Baroque artist), and the symphony (a concert with mostly Vivaldi, and lots of bassoons). So all extremely cultural. Also there was much good food, including O'Connell's for hamburgers, the London Tea Room for lunch Saturday, and a Peruvian restaurant called Mango. Oh, and ice cream after the symphony at a place the name of which has already escaped me.

On top of all that I managed to finish my hd_holidays fic, much to my relief, and have just sent that off - today was the deadline. I've never been so close to needing an extension, but I'm glad not to have had to ask for one.

Now waiting for SO to get back from a run, then will eat dinner and go to bed. (Meals are going to be basic this week - the CSA is over, I won't get to the store till Tuesday morning, and SO is going out of town for a conference starting Thursday anyhow).

Maybe now that the fest fic is finished, I can finally wrap up my quill_it table? I have fewer than a dozen to go... two of the prompts are being used for long-stalled longer fics, but maybe I will give up and start over with ficlets for those.

I'd also like to get back to posting (and reading, and generally interacting) here more regularly again. You'd think since I have about 90 more uncommitted minutes a day than I used to have, I could manage this. My brain has been awfully cotton-woolish for months though.

writing fic hp, family visits, fests, miscellany, museums, symphony, vacation, zoo

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