(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 22:25

With The X-Files and Sex and the City movies, damn, I really wish they were my fandoms. ('Cause, yeah, I was a bit young at the time.) D'you reckon we could force them to do an AU movie, Michael & Sara: Panama? HELLO, BOX OFFICE. Hell, I would buy enough tickets to make it be #1. I'm just saying.

Back to me, because I'm obviously more interesting than TVs-turned-movies, right? (Ha.) I went to the Australian Open today, which was awesome. I got to watch the men's doubles, with the Frenchmen Clement and Llodra beating Nestor/Zumonjic; then Serena Williams get beaten by Jelena Jankovic (Venus Williams came to watch and sat about twenty metres in front of us, heh); then Rafael Nadal against Nieminen of Finland - OMG, it was fantastic. Both played really well, even if the final score didn't reflect it. Lots of slams and volleys and man, can those two hit a ball hard!

Nicole and Keith were at last night's match between Lleyton Hewitt and Novak Djokovic! Oh my God, they are the sweetest thing. It wasn't posed like on a red carpet or at an awards show, they were just sitting and talking like they were in their own little bubble, it made me squeal at the TV. (Thank God I was home alone at the time or I'd probably be typing this from a psychiatric ward.)

Anyway. You'll only have to put up with my tennis rambles until Sunday, promise.

Still have two memes owing, so one down:

Pet Peeves Meme
Tagged by krys33. (Yes, tearcreek, I'll do yours soon!)

List and describe as many of your pet peeves as you can, then tag someone for every pet peeve just to annoy them.
1. When I break a nail. ARGH. It sounds so trivial, but I'm kind of obsessive about them. But because I've got my hands immersed in water so much at work, they break really easily and I can't stand it. I carry a nail file everywhere I go.
2. People who just have to overtake you on the road. I'll admit I'm a bit of a speeder, yet I'll find people will still shoot past me as though it proves them to be a bit cooler than me.
3. The TV remote running out of battery. I always immediately think it's broken.
4. People who think it's a competition of how much their life sucks. I'm mainly talking about RL here, my peeps, so don't worry. Everyone has shitty lives, and don't assume otherwise, just because you don't hear about it from that other person. Maybe they just choose not to complain.
5. Getting excited over emails and then realising it's just another Nigerian bank manager trying to sell you Viagra whilst trying to find the cure for cancer.

Um, I'm gonna stop here, because really, you don't need to hear my pet peeves. No one could really care, I know.

Oh hell, it's 10:30pm and I'm exhausted and sleepy. Something's not quite right there, d'oh!

life: tennis, memes, people: nicole kidman

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