(no subject)

Jan 18, 2008 23:31

I really need to stop watching so many episodes of 30 Rock continuously. I still haven't watched Prison Break and Grey's yet, although I've downloaded them now, at least! Speaking of which, my last post indicated that apparently a lot more people ship Jack/Liz than I realised. *pokes cnnjunky with a giggle* However, to balance it out, I totally loved that episode with Jamie. How freaking hot was he?

Oh, the irony. This writer's strike has cut all my TV short, but at the same time allowed me to gain more TV with 30 Rock. I wouldn't have been able to download it all if the strike wasn't on in the first place.

There's been two of the most amazing tennis matches lately at the Australian Open. Last night was Marat Safin versus Marcos Baghdatis (the latter of whom I was rooting for, even if Safin is really hot) in five sets, and it was so incredibly close I almost couldn't watch it. Tonight was the unseeded Aussie girl against Amelie Mauresmo, also really intense (and victorious, although Amelie played awesomely too). And I'm going on Tuesday night, hurrah!

For amusement: when asked about the new Plexicushion court surface at this year's tournament, Serena Williams said: "I like it. I think it's pretty. It's all blue." Wow. Give the girl a prize.

I've been tagged for three memes, but I should do one at a time, methinks...

Tagged by icrush

The rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Except I don't tag. I'm a rebel like that.

1. Casey Dellacqua winning her three-set match tonight. Her grandma crying in the crowd was so cute.
2. I bought a French Connection bag today at 50% off. Schweeet.
3. 30 Rock. Just in case you hadn't figured that out yet.
4. Hamish and Andy returning to me the airwaves on Monday.
5. Seeing 2 Days in Paris today; cute movie.
6. The trailer for Baby Mama. Will be an awesome, awesome movie.
7. Having three days off in a row!
8. The Columbian coffee beans I bought the other day.
9. Going out for brunch three times in the last week.
10. The fact that I should really be listing all these deep and meaningful things that I should be happy for, but really, all the above are superficial of which I'll forget in a week. Heh.

Finally, happy birthday, lightsarefading, you awesome person you. Have the best of the best days! ♥

life: tennis, memes, tv: 30 rock

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