(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 16:23

Oops, might have gone over our internet cap (again, argh) and was without it last weekend/early this week. And I was planning on posting about the Grand Final replay (remember my last post when it was a draw and we had another week of festivities? Imagine the World Cup Final being a draw, without penalties and extra time, and you had to do it all over again a week later. It was kind of hilarious, frustrating and awesome at the same time. Except bloody Collingwood won. And everyone hates Collingwood. Except for their supporters.), the Britney Glee episode and actually be around LJ properly! DAMN THE INTERNET, I LOVE-HATE YOU.

Busy, busy week though! We've started moving stuff up to the house (almost finished renovations, hurrah! Just pretty much the furniture and garden to go) which is time consuming, and we set up a new home office (YAY IKEA) which was tiring too considering we had to move all the furniture to the car, load it at the house, go back, etc.


Meet Millie:

(Sorry, dodgy photo taken from my phone. Photoshop, what is that.)

We picked her up two days ago, so we're still at the peeing-on-the-carpet-constantly-supervising-waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night stage. I know it takes time, but I'm rather hoping that passes soon, hee. (I'm the only person I know, I swear, who hasn't had a dog before.) I love her waddle; her bottom sways as she walks and I find it hilarious.

So now I'm super-behind on TV; watched 30 Rock last night in bed but nothing apart from that. Not even Packed to the Rafters! Faaaaaail.

I was going to do a meme that tearcreek had tagged me for, like, three months ago - but it's taken me literally half an hour to type this because Millie keeps interrupting me. Meh. I'll try and do it during the week. ('Try' being the operative word.)

Hope you've all had - or are having - a good weekend!

life: millie, life: afl

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