Oh, when the Saints go marching in!

Sep 25, 2010 20:43


A draw. 68-68. WTF. So there's a replay next week - that's right, folks, we come back next Saturday afternoon and do it all again! (I feel sorry for the players; they put their bodies and everything on the line for the final match of the season, and then they have to recover and play one more time. And the supporters who flew from all around the country, the people who scheduled their weddings/christenings/holidays, etc. for NEXT WEEKEND to avoid the chaos - and then there's things like all the bets laid, televising the replay, ticketing... DEBACLE. But a kind of hilarious one.)

Just for some perspective, there has only been two other Grand Final draws since 1897, the last being in 1977. So it's not exactly a common occurrence. Afterwards, the players and spectators were completely stunned. No one knew what to do or what to say. (AND THEN IT STARTED POURING WITH RAIN LOLOL. Even the gods were caught out!)

BUT I LOVE GRAND FINAL DAY. We had a party of ten people and I ate enough sausage rolls, party pies, sushi and lamingtons to sink the Titanic. The last few minutes was hysterical, we were all standing up in front of the screen screaming, lulz.

Also? NEXT WEEKEND IS SPORTING MADNESS. We have: 1. the Grand Final rematch, 2. the NRL Grand Final, 3. Bathurst (massive motoracing event, not that I give a fuck, but The Boy does), 4. the first Melbourne Victory-Melbourne Heart derby, which the A-League had deliberately scheduled not to clash with the Grand Final, hahaha. Oops. But NEXT WEEKEND IS CRAZY.

Still, I may be biased (see my "I don't care" face) but this is, like, the most magnificent sporting ground in the world.

It's just a gigantic, beautiful, iconic thing.

And I love (and miss) the way Melbourne explodes with it all. The way Fed Square is packed out, the Music Bowl, everything. Yesterday's parade:

Observe Eric Bana cheering on the Saints! (Did you ever see the film Funny People? He put in all his St Kilda stuff in the background. It was awesome.)

Note: MY TEAM WASN'T EVEN PLAYING. Can you imagine what I'd be like if they were? You wouldn't stop hearing about it for weeks.


ANYWAY. I know 98% of my flist don't care for any of this, I'm sorry. I just get excited. So how about this: HOW AWESOME WAS 30 ROCK LAST NIGHT. I'll run around to all your flailing posts, promise. Also, Weeds has got to that stage where it's all shit-everything-has-gone-wrong-and-then-Nancy-screws-up-again. My God, that show makes me nervous. This season is pretty awesome, though. And Glee was fun. Though I had the feeling they just went, "Hey, what songs are big right now? Let's put them in!" BRITNEY/BRITTANY NEXT WEEK OMG.


Edit: I should have put this under a cut. I'm sorry. I can't be bothered right now, but if this stuffs up anyone's flist layouts, let me know, okay? ♥

tv: weeds, tv: 30 rock, tv: glee, life: afl

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