(no subject)

Oct 24, 2010 22:37

Wow, only two weeks since my last post? I'm improving, guys, clearly. ;)

TV. I'm still way behind. Rafters, Glee, Grey's, Offspring. i.e. everything except 30 Rock, which I need on a weekly basis like heroin - the kind I'd inject and then listen to jazz. That stuff. I AM APPALLED AT MY TV WATCHING BEHAVIOUR, you guys. I am so disappointed in myself.

Now that we're on a TV tangent, however, can I just gush for a minute about how damn lovely 30 Rock was this week? Not just the episode, but the feeling it induces afterwards. The fandom* has been pumped full of joy and squeeness that we haven't seen in what seems like a season (bar perhaps The Problem [pause] Solvers). WE ARE ALL SO HAPPY, NERDS. And I love that feeling. And you know what common denominator exists in fandom squeeing? LIZ AND JACK, EVERYONE, IT'S LIZ AND JACK AND THEIR WONDROUS BFFNESS-THOUGH-ACTUAL-SOULMATENESS. Ohai, TPTB, this is what we want. Just sayin'.

I've really, really missed that feeling of just simply GRINNING at them. Grinning because they are so damn good, and Tina and Alec are so damn good, and IT'S LIKE MY HEART IS TRYING TO HUG MY BRAIN. I think I took those tidbits for granted in season 1 and 2. And 3, despite freaking Elisa. There were some golden moments in season 4, but it was diluted in that Nancy vs Avery thing, WHICH DIDN'T EVEN END THE RIGHT WAY. NANCY FTW.

I was going to screencap the bit in the limo but for some reason, my screencap!Jack and screencap!Liz turned blue. IDEK. So a gif I stole from muic, originally from Tumblr:

Okay, enough now. I just really love Jack and Liz-centric episodes where Jack is helping Liz, or Liz is helping Jack, and they do these really cute friendshippy things and say awesome things like how they wouldn't know what to do without the other, or how they're better than Reagan. Add a hug and it's smiles times. I love feeling excited about ship again.

WAIT ONE LAST THING ON 30 ROCK. Knowing I've had an exhausting and stressful week, The Boy bought me the Scene It 30 Rock game for the iPad. IT'S SO MUCH FUN I DON'T EVEN. And the questions are actually kind of tricky sometimes! 95% of them I get within a second, but there are a few that I have to think about. And the different 'chapters' of questions are called awesome things like 'Beep beep ribby ribby', 'What the what?', 'Office Wife' and 'Night Cheese'. IT'S A+. gemmi-joo, I'm going to make you play next time I see you! Beat my highscores and I'll smack those teeth straight.

* When I say "fandom", I mean the one on LJ. And by that, I mean the ones who vote YAY for Jack/Liz. And by that, I mean the awesome ones. ;)

Watched a bit of the International Rules today, which is always amusing. It's an annual game between Australia and Ireland, with a football team from each. The game is a compromise between Australian Rules football and Gaelic football (AFL was influenced by Gaelic football when it was invented in the 1800s), so I always find it fun to watch. I don't even care who wins!

Is anyone else stunned about how it suddenly got to October? End of October, even? Gah. 2011 sounds so futuristic. 2011. 2011. I have to say it aloud just to see if it sounds plausible.

I CAN'T GET SICK OF THIS SONG. IT MAKES ME FEEL HAPPY AND ALIVE. I dare you to listen to it and not feel dancey.

Okay, this post was supposed to be filled with fun things except now I can't remember what they are. So, I leave you with PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY! (I swear I won't spam you with any more pictures, I know no one actually cares to see multiple photos of a dog. And I never thought I'd be one of those people, so.)

Ooh, it just started pouring outside. Time for bed now, methinks.

life: millie, tv: 30 rock, life: afl

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