To Mr. Randy Bailey:

May 30, 2007 14:12

Dearest Mr. Randy,

While I am eternally thankful for your hospitality and will forever remember your kindness, I must ask you again to refrain from reading this livejournal. More than disrespectful and against the stated wishes of the author, it is inappropriate that you continue to do so. Let me put it in perspective- I am the friend of your seventeen year old daughter. To follow my life so closely and invade upon my most private memoirs is an act defined as nothing less than disturbing. If you believe me to be overreacting, let it be known that I have inquired upon many other's opinions and have received similar reactions. Yes, I am aware, that this journal is unlocked. Though the only people who know of it are those who have been personally invited by me or by close friends of mine. Let us remember that you did not stumble upon this journal as if it were some highly-advertised website, it was accidentally discovered due to my carelessness. At that point you should have been the adult and closed the website, you should have been the "father figure" and respected my privacy. (Was the title of the site not a big enough clue?)You failed to do so then, but I am giving you a second chance to amend your faltered actions now. I tolerated your actions because I lived in your house. I no longer do, and no longer will. I should not have to be the one to alter MY JOURNAL due to your insensitivity and lack of tact. It's time to be an adult and do the right thing. Go read a magazine, newspaper, or book on, "How To Get Your Own Life," and stop reading mine.

Cecily McMillan

P.S. An apology would most certainly be appreciated.


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