I'm multi-tasking. Sewing, reading e-mail and LJ, doing laundry, watching Charlie experiment in the kitchen, waiting for Richard to call to be picked up from school.
marymont has issued a challenge to use your stash for 50 projects (to go along with the 50-year challenge).
In someone's LJ the other day, they were talking about what to wear to an event this weekend and the discussion turned to wool petticoats. I realized that, although I have a wool doublet, I had no wool skirts. It just so happened that a few weeks ago I was in the fabric store and found just over three yards of light brown wool blend 60" wide. That was just enough for a skirt.
I decided to try something new. Although I've been sewing nearly all my life, I cannot remember ever making something entirely by hand that could be done on the machine. Until now.
The skirt is coming along fine. The cartridge pleating is done and the next step is to sew up the side seam and then the hem! Looks like I'll have a wool skirt for this weekend!
Charlie is 20. He's attending the local community college. He likes to eat. (No surprise there!) He also likes to try different things. This time he cooked a frozen fish filet in a skillet. Last night he made corn bread in the same iron skillet. Some day, he'll be living on his own and will need to know how to feed himself!
We usually put pots of red geraniums in the urns on the front steps every summer. For some reason, this fall they started blooming more than they had all summer. When the weather started turning cold this week I kept thinking that we should try to save them somehow. Imagine my surprise a couple of days ago when I found both pots in the downstairs bathroom! Jeb had brought them in. The bathroom window faces south, so they will get some natural light and maybe even get watered once in a while.
The cat just jumped up into the chair next to me. He's not really a lap-sitter, just likes to be near us.
Back to sewing. That is, until Richard calls. I wonder how many of the Robotics team I'll have to take home today? Then it's back out to VB for Charlie's evening class and Activites Night. Busy day.