I live yet. :D

Aug 24, 2008 19:27

So I'm trying to read the rather awesome Agyar by Steven Brust, because lienne told me to, but then Agyar's all "Life, death... meh" and the Sylars keep piping up all WE DON'T LIKE PROTAGONISTS WHO AREN'T DRIVEN and I'm all SHUT UP SYLARS I'M ALLOWED TO READ/WRITE CHARACTERS WHO AREN'T YOU and they're all like NOOO YOU BE CHEATIN' ON US. Though it's entirely possible that I made that last part up.

In other news, I went to Bath with mum and the brother for a couple of days in order to acclimatize, and it is just as awesome as I remember it. THE ARCHITECTURE OMG. And the baths! (They smelled like fried eggs, fyi.) And the museums! In particular, the Museum of Fashion, where this dude had brought in a bunch of Marilyn Monroe's dresses (utterly, utterly gorgeous, by the way) and the original designs for them (fascinating stuff) and was giving talks on them for that day only. Pretty much everything I knew about Marilyn Monroe could've been written on the back of a matchbook beforehand, but after listening to this guy wax lyrical about her and the man who designed most of her movie outfits, I think I may have fallen in love. :P

One confusing bit, though, was when we stumbled upon a lifesize pig statue painted like a leopard. And then another, depicting scenes from Bath on its flanks. And then another, and another. Amusingly, it transpired that the city had been invaded by these pigs, painted and collaged in a variety of spiffy designs. The idea, according to guidebooks and shopkeepers, was that they'd be displayed for maybe a month and then auctioned off for charity-- funding some building or restoration within Bath, I think. A different group or artist had done each pig, and there were some sweet designs. :D I like the one with the forks and stuff glued all over it. And then there was one painted with flags of the world, called "Globe Trotter" (cue groans). And one which had invaded the ancient Baths, which we wittily christened Bath Vader. And-- oh, sweet, I just found pictures of all of them. (No, your eyes are not fooling you, that really is a hooker pig down the page there. It was strutting its wares on a roof, for the record. xD)

Aaaaand between Bath and my cousins' housewarming thing and overtime at Tesco, I have had NO TIME FOR ANYTHING. >_> The last overtime I've booked so far is tomorrow, and then I swear I'll be around. xD

ETA: Ooh, and because lienne and her dad are brilliant, my laptop is back to normal, fingers crossed. :D!

fan: i'm too lazy to sort this, university life expansion pack, that real life thing

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