Buses! Umbrellas! Cracky win! Clearly, all that our Olympic dance thing lacked was pregnant teenage hoodies doing some kind of acrobatic routine involving hurling bottles of vodka. But I think my enduring memory will be of Boris being attacked by the gigantic flag.
The London Olympics are going to be epic. :D
Caz's To-Do List For Today, In No Particular Order:
1. Find out whether the DVD player on my laptop still isn't working. If this transpires to be the case, find out why. Is!
2. Hoover all the downstairs rooms.
3. Shower.
4. Sort out my washing and put a load of it in.
5. Finish HU page 6.
6. Start HU page 7.
7. Maybe sort out the fugly, overcrowded cazpups userinfo.
8. Hang the washing out.
(Public Service Announcement:
this cure for herpes will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. xD)