I actually got around to posting this tonight! Here is about 10% of the pics we took. Most are from the Air & Space Museum and Udvar-Hazy Center, since most of the other museums have low lighting and we left the tripod at home. devreux sprung for a new camera as a household Xmas gift, and it does much better in low light than the old one, but it's not
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Hanging out at Jeff's with devreux, foxxydancr, and others, waiting for pancakes & bacon etc., and since me and cooking don't go together all that well (though the cooking pantheon hates me less than the sewing pantheon), I'm going to sit here and do memes.
Sadly, it's pretty crappy weather for fencing today, but I did get some exercise yesterday on a nice long hike at McConnell's Mill with devreux after we set up her LJ. ( ... )