Jan 14, 2014 00:44
Well hello journal. Welcome to 2014. Looking back at 2013, I must admit I thought it went very well. I would like to call it "The year of experience." I was able to experience something I've always wanted which curatorial work for museums. Finally I found where my niche is. Now if I can only get a museum job when I graduate next year, then I'll be extremely happy. I also had a new experience with travel. I finally went went NOLA like I've always wanted to. It was wonderful visiting old friends and visiting the really spooky and historical city. I'll remember that trip forever. Lots of weddings that year too. I will go further on that in a bit. I also took some really interesting classes for my major. 2013 was peachy keen.
Now for 2014!
SO far it's been a good start. On New Year's night I got to see a lot fire works in Baltimore. I've always wanted a big celebratory New Years like the one I just had. I'm on school break and it's been absolutely heavenly. Literally I've been sleeping in everyday, volunteering and I started working out again. I've also did a little bit of sewing too. I'm glad I started working out again because I haven't been looking to great (weight wise). Feels good to start again. I think this year I will continue working out through out the rest of the year and not stop in September like I normally do. The older you get, the slower your metabolism gets. Good God I need some new jeans.
Now on to some marriage announcements! Looks like 2014 will be filled with a few weddings. I have 3 possibly 4 weddings I might be attending to. While I'm happy for them, I can help but feel they feel the need to get married because they feel it's time. Most of them don't want a traditional wedding but I find that extremely impossible considering marriage itself is a HUGE tradition alone. How ironic that Friends is playing and it's Ross's wedding episode. Part of me also wants a wedding and dreams of it being beautiful. I've even went as far as to make a guest list. I want 200-300 people to be there. SO far, I only have 70 something amount of people invited. Clearly I'm not finished. Then again there's also a chunk of me that never wants to get married. I see all my friends doing it and to me it just looks forced. They gave in to being traditional and it especially pisses me off that nobody knows what to do with the "two gay guys". Our two close friends had no idea where to stick us so they made us ushers. Ugh why bother? They couldn't make us be bride's men because they can't see themselves having them in photographs because it would look odd. I vow never to have bridesmaids and groomsmen in our wedding. Ok enough of talking about it because it's pissing me off more.
I'm very excited for this year because I graduate in the fall and I'll be gaining even more experience in the field I have a passion for. Maybe this year I will get to go somewhere that I have never been before. School will be back in session in two weeks. OMG how time flies when you're having fun and not doing anything. Ok until next time journal...
whenever that might be!