Riots in Rome

Oct 15, 2011 15:42

The latest series of protests took place in Rome today, when what was supposed to be a "peaceful rally" was overrun by vigilantes, who then went down the Riot Check-list: set cars on fire? Check. Set bins on fire? Check. Smash windows? Indeed. Honestly, the last time I've heard of this many riots was back in the '70s when there were mass protests on university campuses across the States to protest the Vietnam War. I have never seen it on this global scale in my lifetime, and it's equally inspiring (when the rallies are peaceful) and terrifying (when the rallies turn violent.)

The vigilantes in Rome were said to have been inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement (who have just taken Times Square 40 minutes ago), but there has been no reported violence yet (just traffic congestion.) The chief of the Bank of Italy stated, "They [the protestors] are angry against the world of finance. I understand them...We adults are angry about the crisis. Can you imagine people who are in their twenties or thirties?"

A list of other riots/protests that have taken place over the world financial crisis can be found on this BBC article and include Greece, Germany, London, Dublin, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

These protests are an organized event that have taken the world by storm. You can read more about the movement on their website, here at

We live in great and terrible times, my friends.

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