obligatory crack

Oct 27, 2011 00:21

wauugh, it is so late and i am tired and i would like to share this thing of glory with you:

also, i haven't done a "poll" in a very long time!~ growing up, what was your favorite Pokemon and why? mine was probably dragonite because he is so cute (*´▽`*) but apparently he goes on rampages when he gets mad, just like me! orz" but now i like slowpoke because he is 1) cute 2) stupid. i always like the character that is cute and stupid ;___; like michael kelso from that 70's show, or that...blonde girl from mean girls whose name i do not know...

okay i am delirious from lack of sleep so i will catch up with you all tomorrow <3 take care!

AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO charlzway. I will announce it from the rooftops in lieu of being late :3

discussion, question

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