Riots in Rome

Oct 15, 2011 15:42

The latest series of protests took place in Rome today, when what was supposed to be a "peaceful rally" was overrun by vigilantes, who then went down the Riot Check-list: set cars on fire? Check. Set bins on fire? Check. Smash windows? Indeed. Honestly, the last time I've heard of this many riots was back in the '70s when there were mass protests ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

souslelys October 16 2011, 02:55:11 UTC
I hate it when people take advantage of a meaningful rally and turn them into riots. Because then the media just focuses on how crazy people are instead of the original message. I hope the rest of the protests go more peacefully.

I am quite moved by: "The Canada that they love - a place where people take care of each other - that place is slipping through their fingers."
CBC Source

And yes, the grand scale of the protests is extremely inspiring. Always chilling when the world spreads the same message.


cattiechaos October 16 2011, 08:42:08 UTC
I suppose it's inevitable that occasionally, what starts as a peaceful event will escalate into violence; when a lot of passionate people are in one area, things can go overboard. However in this case it appeared that the rally was specifically targeted by vigilantes wishing to cause chaos, which really is unfortunate, especially when people ended up getting killed because of it. It's a travesty, but what can you do?

The fact that the same rallies protesting the financial crisis are taking place around the world just reminds me that we are greater and more powerful when we work together than fight against each other. I really hope these rallies will bring about an end to the financial crisis, somehow...


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