I don't usually do movie reviews, but... this was one was too impressive to resist.
The movie in question is Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame, which actually stands up to the grandiosity of its name. It's a murder mystery set in c. 690 Tang Dynasty in China and oh my God, it was incredible. The cinematography was so fluid and captivating, rather than disjointed, chaotic CGI scenes (I'm looking at you, Michael Bay and Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon.)
The costumes were amazing as well! *__* In the film, China's first Empress (who has been ruling as regent after her husband's death) is about to ascend to the throne, when mysterious happenstances lead her to release Detective Dee from prison for opposing her rule. (That mysterious happenstance, by the way, is the fact that high-ranking officials have been bursting into flame. Bursting into flame!
The cast of the film are all legends in Hong Kong, and it can really be seen in how high quality their acting is. One random thing I have to say... In American action movies, the good guys never die. They always win in the end. In comparison, it seems like in Chinese action movies, one of the good guys always dies, usually one of a pair of lovers or both... It's very interesting.
Why does my favorite character always have to die a slow, painful death? *cuddles*
One of the official movie posters.
The headpieces are so amazing!
Empress Wu Zetian was the only female Empress in China's long history. I couldn't believe she was a real person!
Li Bingbing plays Jing'er, the Empress' favored bodyguard. Her weapon of choice is a whip.
I REALLY want that axe *________________*
The hero of the title!
Okay, I am done raving now ♥♥♥ How have you all been?