Only in Russia

Sep 20, 2011 21:20

I was reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment when I came across this line:

"Well, sir, now let's start on the United Pants of America, as we used to call them in school."

United Pants of America


(He was referring to woolen trousers, by the way.)

The relationship between Russia and the United States just a decade and a few ago will never cease tosurprise me. Blue jeans were once outlawed for being too American, Coca-Cola was seen as a capitalist ploy to sicken the Russians, etc. etc. The funny thing is, there was another side to this, the Russians who were fascinated with American culture (specifically during the '50s). These youths (known as stilyagi) would try to emulate American behavior, but because they were getting much of their information from Hollywood movies, many of their information was false. There is actually a movie/musical about it called Stilyagi. (Unfortunately the person who was subbing it didn't finish the complete movie, but it's interesting nevertheless.)

EDIT: OH MY GOD the American title for this movie is "Hipsters". HIPSTERS. It is being released October 2011, yay! Read the full synopsis of "Hipsters" *snigger* here.

On other notes, I have spent way too long on a fanfic that I have been trying to finish for ages. Someone please kick me into finishing it! u__u

School is...bearable. AP English has got to be the most boring hour of my life; I find myself staring off into space, dozing in the sunlight that falls across my desk, going on LiveJournal like I did last class etc. AP Economics is kicking my ass, also.

I hope you've all been well, don't get a cold like me! Wash your hands frequently! u__u

literature, school, why does this happen in russia?!?!, only in russia

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