[OOC] Tracking Post

Nov 16, 2008 21:00

Day 37
Mr. H wakes up in Landel's. In the Sun Room, he also finds a familiar face, although not with the one he was expecting.
Mr. H slept through the entire night.

Day 38
Ah, first breakfast at Landel's, and with a nice young lady to boot. After breakfast, Mr. H goes to the library and cues another meeting with Shiki. Following his discussion with Shiki, Mr. H heads to lunch and a fiesta! a scheduled meeting with Joshua. Following a little walk down memory lane-but-not-really, Sanae heads over to the Game Room, and then heads back to his room for some tempura and roomie bonding time.
Mr. H slept through the entire night again because the mun's a tard.

Day 39
Breakfast is skipped due to mun hiatus, but Mr. H makes it to the Sun Room in time to speak with a fellow coffee lover. Mr. H also inquires within about getting some paint. Later, Mr. H eats lunch alone and then opts for the Music Room and a short conversation with a "Willy Wonka". Following that, Mr. H heads back to his room for dinner.

Nightshift 39
Sanae makes plans [M21- M30 Hallway] with Jiraiya, and then heads out with his roommate [Main Hall 1-West] to Renamon's room.

Day 40
Day and nightshift skipped due to mun hiatus combined with school fail

Day 41
Sanae wakes up after his day-long nap and heads down to breakfast and another chat with Donna. Later on, he crosses paths with the Grim Heaper. during lunch. After a shower, Sanae heads back to his room and yet another enlightening conversation with Jiraiya.

Day 42
Doyleton trip today! Sanae gets packed off on a bus and tries to engage Skuld in some form of conversation. (All about expanding one's horizons) After getting off the bus, he hits the town and immediately heads for coffee with that kindred soul, Godot. Afterward, it's off for a little emergency meeting with Joshua.

Nightshift 42
Later on, at night, zombies attack (OHH NOOO) and Mr. H takes the opportunity to loot the hardware store, running into Tony Stark in the process.

Day 43
Mr. H has brunch all by his lonesome and then heads to the Sun Room where he meets a hot-blooded, young professional just waiting to give himself a heart attack. Lawyers are weird. Later, while drawing, Mr. H has another meeting with his boss. Then a minor confrontation with the Heaper goes Not As Planned.

Nightshift 43
Composer+Producer Fun Part One

Day 44
Joshua's apparently dead, but while at breakfast Mr. H discovers that the Composer is in fact alive, prompting him to shower Conklin with youthful optimism.

Day 45
Because I had to save this somewhere... best game of Candyland ever.
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