Day 43: Sun Room, Second Shift

Aug 13, 2009 10:50

When the shift changed, HK stayed put. Even after a long night of zombie killing, he had no interest in meatbag fuel, especially after all the discussion of chocolate with that rather strange meatbag. It was just making him crave the stuff even more than he had previously, if that was possible.

Oh, right. He was supposed to be looking for someone who was "VERY LARGE, WITH DARK HAIR." And also seemed to not know what lower-case letters were on the bulletin. As if that would help. He'd seen a likely candidate last shift, but talk of chocolate had distracted him.

raine, klavier, kitty pryde, tenzen, tsubaki, xigbar, scott pilgrim, kuukaku, jason, forte, miku, junpei, zex, luxord, lunge, kanji, hughes, lugnut, brainiac 5, james bond, hk-47, albedo, hanekoma, kvothe, kio, depth charge, two-face, apollo, souji seta, the scarecrow, schuldig, beatrix, ryoji, l, subaru

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