A Last-Minute NaNo Meme

Oct 31, 2010 15:42

I start in less than 24 hours. So with that in mind, let's see how ready I am!

Do I have?

  • A title? [Winterheart]
  • A plot (however vague)? [Yes. It's a re-imagining of The Snow Queen in modern London]
  • And/or a tagline/synopsis? [A teenage girl must find her way through a frozen London to rescue her best friend from Winter herself.]
  • Main characters? [Gabrielle and Kyle; Winter and Summer]
  • Minor characters? [Nan, Sister, Sister's Baby, Parents, Ex-Boyfriend; Princess and Crow Caretakers, Robber Girl and her nasty mother and her gang of chavs; Finn Woman and Lapp Woman - This asked about characters... not names.]
  • An emotional relationship/connection with your characters? [Yeah.]
  • A beginning? [Yep. See part two of The Snow Queen]
  • A middle? [See part 3, part 1 (flashback), then parts 4-6 of The Snow Queen]
  • An end? [Yep. See part 7.]
  • A setting/settings? [London as Christmas, incredibly frozen over]
  • The climax? [Yep.]
  • The resolution? [Yep.]
  • A dictionary and/or thesaurus stationed nearby? [Y helo that Internets]
  • A bottomless coffee mug for inducing insomnia? [Don't drink coffee. Will have Coke.]
  • A notebook for when you can't access your computer? [Yep. But this is why I have two computers. EpicComp for the general, TinyComp for when I am at Nana's.]
  • A word count goal higher than 50K? [Yeah. About 70-80k.]
  • Pliers with which to cut your internet connection to prevent distraction? [I pull out the cord, heh.]
  • Muses to keep your imagination sparked? [Oh yeah]
  • An inner pep talker? [I think so]
  • An outer support system / someone to nag you? [I should do. XD]
  • A writing buddy (official or unofficial)? [Yup]
  • A cage to lock your inner editor in (only for a month)? [I'm not much of an editing person lawl. I tend to write pretty clean first time, and then only once I'm done do I dig into editing majorly.]
  • A pause button for your social life (if you had one to begin with)? [I have a social life?]
  • A reward if you reach your goal? [It'll probably be more books.]
  • A consolation prize if you don't? [My birthday is December 1. There will be prizes of some sort.]
  • Motivation? [Getting most of the first draft done means less time to publication (in theory)]
  • Negative emotions (stress, panic, fear, etc.)? [This shall be the problem. I give up easy]
  • Positive emotions (what are those again?) [I think so. No camp to cut me off part way through]
  • Time? [I think so. I hope so.]
  • Sanity? [What.]

nanowrimo, meme, winterheart, writing

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