she's just mad because somebody dropped a house on her sister

Aug 08, 2007 20:29

Last night was totally fun. After a wonderful dinner (read: 3 glasses of wine), I ended the evening naked and in hot tub with a dear friend (read: friend who likes to make out). The water in the tub was a bit hot and, as a result, we had to limit our pelvic thrusting /hip grinding to 5 minute increments. Finally, when enough was enough, He pulled out a hose (of the garden variety) with an attached a mister. Then he proceeded to cool me off with a icy mist. We spent several minutes misting each other with cold water. Like uber gay dolphins. Silly. Hot. Red carpet.

I got very discouraged with my ebay biz. I started to lose money and hide from the whole endeavor. But that is ending now and I am becoming more and more excited. A business-man-type-friend (not a pimp) told me to shut my whiney pie-hole and get back to it. I guess I was just hoping for checks to come flowing out of my mailbox while I twirled like a crazed ballerina. I guess I need to post more items for that to happen.

I am in planning mode for my upcoming trips to Boston and NYC. So far, my itinerary includes whale watching, going on river tours, eating seafood, checking out the Statue of Liberty and re-enacting John Lennon's assasination in front of the Dakota. Sounds like fun. I learned how to fake-fall in a stage combat class.

C! and I (and maybe a groupie or two) will be seeing La Boheme this weekend. For you ABQ folks, the City is presenting a simulcast of La Boheme at Tiguex Park. The actual performance will be at the Santa Fe Opera, but the simulcast will be here in town. Oh. And its totally free.

I need sleep. And a new pair of slim fitting jeans.
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