this just in.... billy is a badass mutha.

Aug 07, 2007 13:45

Wow. Court was crazy. I can tell the judge is becoming inpatient with our shinnanigans and is getting ready to throw that book straight at my smirky face. I try to be all "me so innocent," but somehow I think my defense is a stretch and if I get off, it will be a total travesty of justice. But now the trial has been rescheduled for late September. Great.

The good thing is that I am back on public transit. I forgot how much I love just chilling on the bus - I get so much reading done. And yarrowkat loaned me a cool book and I will actually have time to read it. Imagine. Time to read. And it turns out, the bus station has wireless! Holla1 I bet Madonna would ride the bus if she was me. O.o

I bet a young beau. He's very young. Like un-drinking young. Thats all I am gonna say about that other than it feels weird to be the older man. But still hot.

So. Now, it seems that going to jail is the the new heroin binge. I mean, anybody who is anybody is doing time. Its how we roll on probation. So, it's me, Paris and Nicole. We are SO unjustly persecuted, only because we're pretty. Well, maybe not Nicole - her glasses are a crime.

Clarice had a birthday party a few weeks ago. This is Baxter, with his party face on.

And the birthday girl. She's all, "Its my party and I'll snort if I want to." Someone brought her gay pride beads, which she is wearing here.

My advisor sent me an email saying that its gonna be great to be working together again. That was rather refreshing.

I am applying for this international leadership program that, if accepted, will take me to Japan and some other places on a boat. For two months. Dude, I hope I can get in, that would be so awesome. I will have to finish my application at some point (or start, rather). I have already received my required letters of rec., which are usually the hardest part.

I did it. I totally went to Hot Gay Male Naked Yoga Party Fiesta. And it was as hot as I imagined. I am going again this week, I think.

I have had a ton of dudes enter my life over the past week. They all seem to like me and like to spend time with me. I wish I had some freaking self-esteem, so hanging with these boys would be fun instead of a source of anxiety.

Morrissey is awesome.

I need a pink dress shirt for my trip to NYC.
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