Apr 03, 2006 03:36
hmmmokay so i have a really, really fucked up sleeping pattern.
i just watched hitch and the wedding date. 2 horrendous movies about the same thing. ehh hitch is okay i guess, but the wedding date was stupid.
this weekend was a lazy one.
i took my first sat on saturday at locust valley. it was okay, the reading was really hard for me, and math, well... we all know how that goes. i did the first 7 or 8, fuck the rest. i hate math and i can't do it. my essay was pretty good though, i didn't have much time to proofread it but, i did the best i could, and the grammatical error questions are my favorite.
whatever. being a junior is annoying, attention to those who aren't yet a junior, don't become one.
but i just am saying that academically. to tell you the truth, recently my life has been really busy and fun. i feel like i'm always doing something, and it's nice.
but, if only i has extremely wealthy parents
because i'm broke as fuck.
another busy week aheadddd. yes.